IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Imitating eminent personalities through print media or television has become quite common among masses. This is primarily because populace considers popular stars as their role models. Personally, I believe that it is a
Celebrities have been the trendsetter for decades. Many people are perplexed by this and question the idea of imitating celebrities. I opine that this is due to the online following that these on-screen characters have.
It is argued that a lot of people imitate their favourites celebrities from various media sources like television and magazines. The potential cause of this is that people emotionally attach themselves by the celebrities
Celebrities are the people who are famous personalities from different fields. It may be sports, movies and social media. People idolise them and start following their style and a lot of people try to imitate their lifes
It has been observed that more people are trying to imitate popular actors and actresses from the media and other publications such as articles and newspapers. The possible reasons for this are, masses are huge fans of t
I think in some cases it is good and in some cases it is bad.If you are following good person, it will help us to do so many things for our family and country.But if you are following his life style ,fasting it will not
Today, young generations are desired to follow the fashion and luxury lifestyle of pop stars through the media platforms such as publications or TV shows. However, people are wondering if this is a good development of t
In these our contemporary world majority of people are trying to imitate their idolized famous people by watching them on TV or from magazines. In my opinion, all of this replication is done due to popularity among publi
Nowadays,healthy proportion people are stealing well-known celebrities from journals and magazines and TV as well.People think that if they imitate people who are very famous or idol people in any field, they may think i
In many parts of the world, it’s often seen that many people who are a fan of famous celebrities try to copy their characters or other sides of them. It’s a common problem today that our children who are around 8-12 yea
In many parts of the world it’s often seen that many people who are a fan of famous celebrities try to copy their characters or other sides of them. It’s common problem today that our children who are around 8-12 years
It has been witnessed that most people nowadays seek to imitate popular celebrities by following them on media such as magazines and television. This essay will discuss the factors that encourages ordinary folks to copy
Nowadays, almost people tend to imitate well-known celebrities seeing in several media and magazines. There are some reasons for this tendency which will be explained in detail. I believe that this copying has some posit
In our modern society, the current trend among public to replicate the popular media personalities has become a matter of discussion for many. In my opinion, peer pressure and lifestyle choices are some of the main reaso
Celebrities have a vital impact on the conduct of many in the community. Replicating the renowned figures on the screen and magazines has become a vogue in our modern society. I think this happens because of the extraord
All of us have idols in someone. Normal person tries to mimic notable personalities either by reading magazines or watching TV as they idolises those people. According me, ordinary people start worshipping such celebriti
Nowadays, we can see that common people try to copy celebrity when they watch these famous persons on TV or when they read newspaper articles about them. In my opinion, this is an awful tendency.
It is an undeniable fact that, with the easy access to magazines and television, common people nowadays opt to live the lives of celebrities. There are many reasons why people do so, a few of which are discussed in this
Average persons tend to copy famous celebrities by watching them on TV or reading magazines. I believe famous people show us how to live in a modern earth and it is a positive idea to follow celebrities
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