IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a fact that prevention is more beneficial than cure. The government budget should be allocated a high proportion on health education and prevention measure rather than treatment. I agree with this view.
In the contemporary world, there have been many patients who had to take part in many treatments at public hospitals for decades around the world. I strongly agree with the statement above, this tendency would have a gre
It is commonly believed that prevention is better than cure and that the national health budget should be directed to health education in schools and universities in addition to avoidance measures against illness. In my
States have been suffering from the distribution of budgets for a long time. Especially, spending on health takes a huge part of the budget. Particularly, new types of diseases have forced governments to allocate more r
The world population has been suffering from numerous diseases since the existence of the human race. Particularly, states distribute a huge part of their budget to treat sicknesses. Especially, governments cannot bear
Although It is a great idea to educate people about their healthcare and well being ,however spending a big part of medical fund for this purpose can be challenging for both health care professionals and public. I disagr
The allocation of the nation’s health budget plays an integral part in the well-being of its people. I agree that the prevention of diseases through health teachings and various modalities to avoid certain illnesses shou
The allocation of the nation’s health budget plays an integral part in the well-being of its people. I agree that prevention of diseases through health teachings and various modalities to avoid certain illnesses should h
It is argued that if governments allocate their health budget to awareness, it is much better than facing diseases. In other words, if the residents knew how to prevent being ill, they would not need to recover as a resu
In this contemporary era, the governments are investing in public health in varying degrees to lead to wholesome societies, in such a perspective a significant amount of the nation's budget is declared to increase well-b
Many communities believe that the nation has to keep a small portion of annual financial aid aside because spending more on well-being education makes sense. In this essay, I will give reasons and examples for why I agre
It is true that countries spend millions of dollars on health care.However, some believe that "prevention is better than cure" and a large proprtion of the budget should be allocated to health education and prevention m
Recently, more and more people are having health issues. As a result, some people argue that governments should spend more budget on prevention measures rather than treatment. As far as I am concerned, I agree with this
It is true that reducing health problems is better than spending money on treatment.Whilst some individuals are convinced that educating people with hygienic behaviours is better than treatment,others may disagree.I am
Some people consider that health education and prevention's country capital, should not be spent on treatments and also, they must be used as the main and first measures for being applied. I agree with this statement and
The covid pandemic has taught many lessons to the entire world that the importance of one's energy and measures to take to protect individuals from such future pandemics. Because many are aware of various diseases and ne
It is true that preventative remedy is much more efficient than treatment, in society. An argument has that a great proportion of the country's budget should be transferred from treatment to physical awareness. I agre
Many people believe that prevention is better than cure and numerous state budgets should be used on well-being education and preventative policies. In my point of view, I definitely occur with this statement.
many countries are more focused on well-being and education because better fitness and education helps countries to boost its economy.In my,opinion I partially agree with the statement that prevention is better than cur
it is argued that educating the masses to avoid health issues is better than curing the patient. This essay agrees with the suggestion, because of the benefits it can provide to pupils. Firstly we will discuss how preven
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