IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the past two decades, a large number of research have focused on whether gene would affect significantly human characteristics and have looked for approached to reducing the connection between gene imperfection and ch
Our personality and development are influenced by the characteristics we are born, in particular these perform in our behaviors and when we need to solve a problem. However, experiences have more reasons than what many h
Nowadays, it is scientifically provided that the features which are naturally inside us since our born are more influenced, on our personality, compared with experiences made during our life.
According to biological researches, a human's personality is more significantly affected by the physical characteristics since birth than the moments that we have experienced. From my point of view, however, the experien
In recent years, the research has been increased toward child characteristics that illustrate children born with their own character and these children are dominated by inherent characteristics throughout their life. The
It is shown by researchers that the characteristics we are born with have more impact on our personality than the environment we grow up in it. However, I think both of them can overlap each other.
The issues of whether innate characteristics have many influences on our life or not have been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that those characteristics affect our personality and development a lot because peop
The issue of whether an individual personality is dependent on his/she characteristics , or is based on their experience has been raising a lot of debates.In my opinion, experience plays a crucial role and can override a
Are our identity and development based on genetic influence or is it constructed during growth? As a matter of fact, several research indicates that characteristics we are born with may influence more, but, honestly, I d
Is our identity and development based on genetic influence or is it constructed during life? As a matter of fact, several research indicate that characteristics we are born with may influence more, but, honestly, I disag
Is our identity and development based on genetical influence or is it constructed during life? As a matter of fact, several researches indicate that characteristics we are born with may influence more, but, honestly, I d
Is our personality and development based on genetical influence or is it constructed during life? Well, several researches indicate that characteristics we are born with may influence more, but, honestly, I disagree. In
Researchers proved that a person's personality is affected more by the qualities they naturally possess than by the experiences they have in life. This essay will discuss both statements, but I personally believe that th
A study of personality traits of humans and their impact on personality building has revealed that innate components of humans mainly control the ultimate being of the person rather than other influencing catalysts. Ther
The characteristics we are born with are considered to impact more on our personality than an experience which we get in our life. Thus, we have a question: which factor is more important in building ourselves. I cannot
It has been shown through some researches that genetic factors have more influence on human behaviours than environmental factors. In my ,perspective both life experience and inborn characteristics have equal influence o
The issues of characteristics effects on each person growth have been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that our personality and development are influenced by innate component as a community have capacity traits.
It is a proven fact which highlights that one’s personality has a higher influence on the characteristics which comes along with birth, than from experiences we encounter. I strongly agree with the above statement and th
Some of the scientific findings reveal that inborn features have more impact on our personality and development than any experience we may have in our life. This essay will articulate both the views along with my percept
Nature or Nurture? It is controversial whether genetic inheritance or living circumstances affect more to form each person's character. Needless to say, both influences are inevitable, and the answer has remained elusive
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