IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are an increasing number of people shopping, which is a leisure activity. But, some people believe that has both advantages and disadvantages.
Buying goods is a necessity in everyone’s daily life. As the needs are becoming more diverse, shopping nowadays is becoming more popular than ever before. This popularity has many reasons as well as many positive and neg
As each day passes by, more and more people are beginning to take up shopping as a free time activity, making it a well-known thing in big cities. Few people have often argued that this act of buying for fun has both its
In today ‘s world, shopping is admired by a lot of people and considered as a leisure activity. Many today believe that its own merits and demerits. Social media and technology play a key role in increasing the popularit
Increasingly, many populations view shopping as a leisure activity, although there are some benefits and drawbacks. This essay will demonstrate the cause and effects of the popularity of shopping malls.
Increasingly, many people view shopping as a leisure activity, although there are some benefits and drawbacks. This essay will demonstrate the cause and effects of the popularity of shopping malls.
In recent days most people are spending their leisure time in activities like shopping which becomes a common thing. It has both advantages and disadvantages. There are several reasons for shopping becoming so popular th
Most people go shopping to provide their essential needs. However, by growing a wide range of supermarkets with different products, some individuals go shopping only for spending their time. We discuss whether this habit
It has been opined that the popularity of shopping has been tremendously increasing in the form of entertainment events. On the contrary, part of society believes that it has both pros and cons. A detailed discussion of
The bar chart shows the information about the how long people usually used telephone calls in UK from 1995 to 2002. The figures are given in billion minutes. The information can be divied into 2 groups those which fratul
It is commonly seen that shopping has become a free time activity for most people. There are many arguments about its pros and cons. In this ,essay we will discuss the reasons for the popularity of shopping and also th
It is certainly true that purchasing is the most important activity in the world has a lot of benefits and disadvantages. However,it has a huge influence on the soul and social culture.
Nowadays, shopping has been increasingly popular as a time off activity. Although some people believe that has pros and cons. This essay will shed light on some positive and negative consequences of this activity.
In today’s modernization, it cannot be denied that the most popular activity for the citizens in their free time is shopping. This essay will explicate the two cause of this phenomena and explain what effects does it hav
One of the most enjoyable activities in today's world is shopping. According to some people, this is a positive development, while others disagree thinking shopping has negatively impacted us. This essay will explore th
Mall numbers have been increasing over the past years and, they have been offering more and more interesting activities each day to the public. However, some people believe that shopping offers a lot of negatives effect
It is argued that, shopping is considered as the most famous time off activity whilst others believe that it has both advantages and drawbacks. This essay presents that advertisements are the primary agents for this caus
It is argued that, shopping is considered as the most famous free time activity whilst others believe that it has both advantages and drawbacks. This essay presents that advertisement is the primary agent for this cause
In today's world, shopping, as a leisure activity, is becoming more and more popular among the society. Despite this case, it is believed by some part of the population that this development has both merits and demerits
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