IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, there are irrefutable debates about the health of meals and drinks. Some folks believe that the government should check the quality of food and stop buying any harmful food in supermarkets. In my opi
Nowadays, with the development of the economy and science, people no longer suffer from hunger, instead, we gradually have more food and beverages to select from. However, due to the bad effects of some food or drink tha
In recent years,there has been a heated debate about whether removed beverages and any food which were proved that will hurt our’s health form shop.In my view,I believe shop cannot be allow to sell unheathy food,while fo
In this essay, I will argue why it is irrational to vote for the prohibition of selling food and beverages that have been proven harmful to people.
In recent years, some individuals believe that outlets selling unhealthy food or beverages should be banned because scientists have proved that these eatables can have detrimental effects on the person's health. In my o
Today,more and more people believe that there is not to be permitted to sell foodstuff which had a bad influence on the health of people.From my perspective,I strongly agree with this opinion.
Shops should not have permission for selling any food or drinks that can create bad effects on human health. I strongly agree with this statement and the reason will be explained in the essay.
There has been a statement that unhealthy food and drink need to be prohibited completely since it is detrimental to people's physical health. However, I tend to disagree with this opinion because they are not entirely b
What we eat and drink has been known to impact our lives significantly and the measure at which we consume these items have constantly been modified as a result of advancement in research and technology. In recent times,
Recently, the issue has been brought some into focus is food and drink which is contain numerous sugar or preservative substance have a large number of disadvantages for our heath. Some people believe that fast food is a
It is thought by some that businesses should not be permited to sell any food or drink which has been testified by scientists to exert a negative impact on people's heallth.In my opinion, I disagree with this statement.
The commercial store needs to stop selling edible products that consist of chemicals that will harm individuals' health. This essay is totally agreed to ban or not allowing shops to sell food and drink products that are
Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern is gorvement should forbid food shops selling any products proven to be harmful for people’s health. However, there are a lot of bad food and drinks creating significant b
Commercial stores that have perishable items consisting of chemicals have to stop selling to the consumer, especially if it is proven by the experts that it will cause people's health in danger. In this essay we will dis
In recent years, a debate regarding the sale of unhealthy food and drinks has emerged. In particular, some people argue that shops should not trade groceries that are proven to hurt health. In my opinion, this view is pa
It is common nowadays for shops to have their own value in the market and customer can purchase everything from there. Some individuals believe that stores shouldn't be permitted to sell eating things that have been cert
Convenience foods are growing in popularity and becoming a significant feature of modern life in many countries. Some people hold the view that unhealthy proven food and drinks should be banned to sell in shops. I agree
The role of fast food in this present time is inescapable. In this contemporary era several people choices to eat convenience meals as compared to traditional food. Therefore, authorities should not be allowed to sell at
As everyone knows, every person has the freedom to do any but it should not illegal. Harmful drinks and meals should not be allowed to sell by the shopkeeper which was scientifically proven bad for health. I agree with t
Exactly this theory that the scientist and psychoanalyst Immanuel Velikovsky touched upon in his 1950 bestseller "Worlds in Collision". According to the author, more than 3000 years ago, something huge hit Jupiter and fo
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