IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has become a controversial issue regarding the tution fees of children, as it has been suggested that students should bear the expense of their education by their own because of having personal benefits instead of s
Nowadays, tuition fees can be costed for students to study at university in lots of ways. Some think that students need to spend their own money paying for all their studies. This author contends that the government inve
It is argued that scholarships for university education are not necessary because they are useless for society. From this writer's perspective, it is an essential thing because of the income tax for the individuals and
It is argued that the scholarship for university education is not necessary because of the useless for society. From this writer's perspective, it is essential thing because of the income tax for the individuals and prom
There is an arguement between people tend to live independently and some others prefer rely on others. This essay will debate both view and give my opinion.
Many people believe that student ought to pay full fee during their studying due to the priority of university education is individuals not society. The writer agree with this statement and this essay will illustrate the
A portion of society suggests that pupils shoud invest all money for their process of studying to receive many advantages to the university instead of spending money on society. The author disagrees with the given statem
Some believe that teenagers should pay for all expenses for their education as university courses bring more advantageous to the students than the society. From my point of view, I totally disagree with this phenomenon,
Students, whom pay a fortune on studying in university have more advantages individuals than on society. i agree with this statement and will explain in the followin essay.
In today's ever-progressing era, some individuals belief that they can gain more benefits in education throughout paying for the full cost of their studying. This essay will showcase the reasons why the writer disagree w
Amid city life, many urban students perceive their tuition fees as solely dedicated to academic pursuits within universities, valuing the educational benefits over societal contributions. The writer supports this viewpoi
The statement suggests that students should bear the full cost of their university education because it primarily benefits them individually rather than society as a whole. This author disagree with this view for the fol
Nowadays, tuition fees can be costed for students to study at university in lots of ways. Some think that students need to spend their own money paying for all their studies. I personally agree that the government invest
The majority of people believe that pupils should study by financial aid instead of using their money for the full cost although university education is not taken advantages for society as huge as for individuals. This w
There is a common view that tuition fee should be paid the full cost for study process by students due to the beneficial individuals for university education rather than society. This essay disagree with this statement a
More people think after studying at universities, students will earn money for themselves instead of benefiting society, so there are arguments that students should pay money for the fees. In my opinion, I disagree with
More people think after studying at universities, students will earn money for them instead of benefiting for society, so there are arguments happend that students should pay money for the fees. In my opinion, I disagree
Some people said that students may pay the amount of money for their own learning than society, because the education’s university have more benefits for students. In my perspective, I agree with this statement and will
Many people believe that student ought to pay full fee during their studying due to the priority of university education is individual not society. The writer disagree with this statement and this essay illustrate the re
the majority of people said that juniors need to pay the full cost to study at university, since the benefits of university education to citizens rather than the public . I agree with this statement and my reason is in
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