IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Developed countries can contribute to the growth of undeveloped or developing nations by establishing healthy business cooperation. However, the wealthy leaders are not to avail consumables and education to these non-civ
Nowadays there is a common debate on international forums whether the rich countries should support the developing countries, especially in terms of literacy and food. I believe affluent nations must support their counte
People have different views about wealthy share from richest people to poorer society. While there are some benefits high-income families for helping low and middle-income class especially for food and education, I belie
It is assumed that affluent people are obligated to share their wealth with the impoverished, while others consider that the government is the one that should care about their residents. Further to this, the mandatory su
Recent research shows that wealthy nations are no longer passive bystanders in the face of the food and education systems of poorer nations; instead, they actively seek to improve these systems under positive conditions.
To initiate with the most prominent benefit is that youngsters are pillers of every country have their own talent. Moreover, government need to work in education, infrastructure, and law that makes more upgrades in count
The world has reached a point where there’s a huge gap between developed societies and poor ones. Some people agree with the idea that affluent regions must share resources with poor regions and others disagree. I will i
Each country has different resources one and another, both its natural resources and its human resources. Thus bring up a different results whether country’s economic is developed or not. Countries with good industry and
Nowadays, the need for rich regions to help poor regions, especially in the fields of food and education, emerges as a widely discussed issue. While some societies are at a very good point in terms of wealth, others have
It is assumed by many experts that rich states should pay attention to poorer ones by providing their requirements including education and food. Otherwise, the scientific competitors claim that it is the poorer nations'
In today’s world, industrialises countries such as America, Germany and England are amazingly wealthy while people in third world countries are suffering from poverty and many other related problems. So, it becomes a hig
There is a huge argument regarding that it is a responsibility of the developed countries to raise their helping hands to non-wealthy countries in aspects of food and education,while another view is popped up as own gove
There were numerous debates about whether developed countries should aid developing countries by giving them prosperity such as food and education or whether these things are the government’s responsibility of poorer nat
Nowadays, we are seeing two groups  of communities in the world; weak people and rich people. In every country, there are many people who help other people by preparing food and conditions to go to school and university.
The world is divided into three groups i.e. developed nations, developing nations, and under-developed nations. Some people often argue that developed and wealthy countries should support the other countries in need with
The world has been a global village and by that mean any communications amongst the nations in terms of anything has been the easiest of all time nowadays. People across the world including the higher delegates of the co
The governing body of every country has a responsibility towards its citizens. I believe countries should work towards being self-sufficient and independent. The rich nations can definitely help the needy ones during bad
Food and education are very important for every human being to survive. but few countries are unable to hand over their citizens due to a lack of financial conditions . they can get help from a developed nation .or is it
Poverty has become one of the main issues in numerous countries living below the poverty line. In many discussions, it has been argued whether rich countries should help developing countries by supporting them with food
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