IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Health awareness has drastically increased over the years. However,this realisation has come with the alarming surge of diseases. While many people may believe that each person should take responsibility for their own he
Nowadays, few individuals think governments are responsible for humanity's energy while others believe folks are responsible for their strength. I agree to a certain extent that the state is responsible for every citizen
As a people can not ignore what is happening in the world. There are a lot of problems or opposition about a different position. Abortion is one of them. This situation is bringing different thoughts. People support ab
As a people can not ignore what is hapening in the world. There are a lot of problems or opposition about different situation.Abortion is one of them. This situation is bringing with different thoughts. People support ab
Everyone wants to live a healthy lifestyle. Some people believe that the government should provide more amenities to society to improvise health whilst others are of the view that fitness is an individual's own responsib
It is often held that government, public health associations and even local medical representatives are responsible for citizens' well-being. While some people argue that these institutions are not fully responsible for
The bar charts show the kilometers of individual transport every year in six European countries, and providing information about the amount of time with commutation each day.

Overall, the average of traveling distance f
There is little doubt about how vital it is for people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but there are conflicting views as to who should be responsible for its promotion and enforcement. Although some believe that the g
Nowadays, as the pace of life in the city is becoming faster than before, people always have less time to cook by themselves. Instead, a variety of new food has appeared in this world, such as fast food and microwaved fo
One of the most disputable issues relates to healthy life style wether taking practical cares into consideration by individuals or government.As will be examined this question with both points of views,supported by reaso
There are those who argue that individuals are responsible for their own healthy lifestyles. Others take the view that governments should take care of it. In my opinion, there are both pros and cons to this view, althoug
Medical treatment is essential for everyone's life. However, there are two main opinions about the treatment whether government or themselves should take care of their own fitness. Personally, I agree up to a point that
As the consumption of sugary, fat and salty food is on the rise, related illnesses such as diabetes, and heart attack are also raising. Some people feel that it is mandatory to levy a hefty tax to reduce the intake of ju
Meanwhile, government-funded education and health care might not suit for everyone. One law is accpected by almost every modern country is that the needs of many outweight the needs of few. If the government covers all t
Education and health play a vital role in the development of a country. People think that the government should bear such expenses as these issues are becoming very expensive for a normal person. This essay will discuss
Environmental concerns such as air pollution, water pollution, global warming and climate change have got out of hand during the last few years, and people have different views about whether those problems should be solv
In this modern era, ecological issues are trending at an alarming rate that certainly has some ramifications in the long run. So, some folks believe that these problems can be tackled by higher authorities whereas, other
Improving people health is vital concern for both government and individuals. Although there are many people who think building more and more public healthcare by government can be a prominent way to taking cares of peop
Now a day's, public health and education rely on the countries economic condition. People's concern has arisen about whether the government
Health is majorly dependent on person's will or preference or how one wants to lead his or her our life. However, I believe government's role is essential as well, to bring upfront healthy nation through healthy individu
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