IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Sports play a crucial role in every nation. Numerous enterprises advertise their product by sponsoring sports. Some people say that companies sponsoring sports are beneficial while others think that it brings drawbacks.
Certain individuals believe that businesses promoting their products and services by funding games is a negative trend however others think that it has a multitude of benefits. In this essay, both arguments will be exam
Nowadays , many companies followed new manner to show their products and services by supporting athltes or sport to present in public. In fact , two side of this event gain their goals. I agree with this methodes. But ,
It is irrefutably true that the way of advertisement has changed over the years. Sponsorship has become more popular, wherein many companies advertise their products by sponsoring sports events or a sportsperson, which h
More companies are adopting the marketing strategy of sponsoring sports teams and stars as a way of advertising their brand. While some are of the notion that this is great, there are others who believe that there are di
Some companies are sponsoring athletic competitions and athletes to promote their products and some would argue that it is good, however, others say that it has negative consequences. While others believe that it has dis
A majority of giant companies prefer to advertise themselves by sponsoring prevalent sports teams and athletes. Whilst, certain individuals content the notion that such investments are beneficial in terms of fame and pop
A majority of giant companies prefer to adverstise themselves by sponsoring prevalent sports teams and athletes. Whilst, certain individuals content the notion that such investments are beneficial interms of fame and pop
In the beganing, we know all people can not cooporate in same opinion, like above mension that about some of many companies' sports leaders make advertisment for their selves. There are two diffrent opinion, some people
As you may know, sports and their atheletes (like basketball or football players) quite often get paid to promote specific products or services. They usually do it on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or ot
In the present age, whereas enterprises should invest in sports and sports stars has sparked much debate. Some people assert that it may contribute to the success of a business whereas others claim that this type of mark
Sports sponsorship is known as a marketing strategy that is used by companies to promote their name, however, its impacts have created a debate. While several people indicate that athletic endorsements have a beneficial
Many business strategy managers mentioned giving financial support to sports events and renowned athletes with the last impetus being the expansion of their image, and some people argue that it is good for both partnersh
The importance of sport has now become more debatable with many people claiming that some companies should support it as an effective advertisement while the others reject this notion. The upcoming paragraphs will shed l
People have different views about the companies sponsoring play to advertise themselves. while I accept there are some disadvantages. But, I believe, the benefits overweight the negatives.
In this contemporaneous era, organizations tend to hire sports celebrities for the advertisement of their brands. There is a set of people who consider it to be a positive development, while there are those who think oth
There is a controversial perspective: heating up a debate over sponsoring for sports is an effective method to spread companies’ reputation. While some hold a strong view that it is beneficial for sports’ world, the oppo
There are controverial perspectives heating a debate over the beneficial returns of leading firms’ resource allocation in the form of sponsorship towards prominent sports events. While some hold a strong statement that i
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over sponsoring sport. While some hold a strong view that it can do wonders for the sport world, the opposite makes a statement that some drawbacks of it still exi
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