IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today’s world, ideas about jobs are separated into two parts. One category of humanity claimed that starting an individual occupation is a great way to be autonomous. However, the other side thinks the opposite. Th
Some believe that an individual should always enjoy the work that they do, while others think the most important thing is job security. I personally think that people should always feel safe and satisfied with the work t
There are some conflicting views regarding whether job satisfaction or job security is more important than one other. This essay believes such judgment is merely just a personal preference and will analyze both sides bef
Some individuals believe that the main point when seeking a profession is career satisfaction, while others say that having a stable job is more serious. The aim of this essay is to discuss both issues and provide my ide
Some individuals believe that race satisfaction is the most important factor when looking for a position, while others believe that professional stability is more important.
Many people often wonder about job satisfaction and sheer helplessness. The discussion below deep dives into the debate about whether job satisfaction matters more than a stable, permanent job or not.
Speaking of looking for a career, some people are convinced that job satisfaction is more critical than job security, however, others put job security as the top priority. In the essay, I am going to discuss these differ
Some people want to find jobs where satisfaction is more crucial than security while other people think that a permanent job has greater significance. Personally, I believe job satisfaction plays a more critical role tha
Three- quart of world people are stay apple owner with working conditions. Some people think that job satisfaction is more important than job security others think that people cannot expect to enjoy a job and that having
Three-quart of the world's people stay apple owners with working conditions. Some people think that job satisfaction is more important than job security others think that people cannot expect to enjoy a job and that havi
Nowadays, almost everyone wants to find a suitable job after graduate. However, whether the work position is security, if they can work for long time and how satisfy with their job is a controversial problem. In my opi
Nowadays, almost everyone wants to find a suitable job after graduating. However, whether the work position is secure if they can work for a long time, and how satisfied they are is a controversial problem. In my opinion
It is an undeniable fact that when its comes to job satisfaction it is more important than job security, whilst others argue that permanent job has more benefits . The wages are also important in the job . However, this
It is believed by certain individuals, that job gratification is more paramount while others opine that work security is much better than the pleasure that comes with it. Although, satisfaction from this is important and
It is believed by certain individuals, that job gratification is more paramount while others opine that work security is much better than the pleasure that comes with it. Although satisfaction from work is important and
In recent times, employees change their jobs very often instead of keep working in the same organization because the salary is not enough, and they do not like the company or the bosses they work for. The organization sh
Few people believe being happy with their career is more significant than their job stability, while others think job security is the main priority for their living. But for me, I believe the major priority of living va
Some people believe being happy with their career is more significant than their position stability, while others think job security is the main priority for their living. But for me, I believe job satisfaction is more
These days a job is something that is necessary for any person around the world to earn a living for himself and his family. Some people argue that job satisfaction is important over job security because it will ensure m
Choosing a job in this competetive era is difficult to say the least. While some people are promoting the idea that being satisfied by a job is quite critical to have a good life, others consider being secured is far mo
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