IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In our modern times, career satisfaction and security become controversial issues. Some are of the view that people are not able to enjoy their job because choosing the job they like is difficult. From my point of view
There is a controversial issue between job satisfaction and job security. Opinions are divided over whether the job satisfaction is more important or not. This essay will outline why they support both sides and suggest o
In the present day, it is argued that a job is essential to have a secured position throughout a lifetime, others give higher preference to the contentment obtained from working. I believe it is more essential to endeavo
business stability became one of the most essential factors in everybody's life but, numerous folks opine that having work pleasure is more vital than other factors. as far as I am convinced both opinions should conside
There is always an ongoing debate of whether securing a career is better than feeling satisfied with it. While both views have acceptable strong justifications, I tend more to emphasize the importance of being satisfied
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the ideal job. While some claim that working gratification plays a more paramount significant role than a stable job, the opposite makes a statement that it i
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the most ideal job. While some hold a strong view that the significant one is occupation contentment, the opposite makes a statement that this im
There are tremendously controversial notions heating up a debate over the most ideal job. While some hold a strong view that job contentment is more imperative than the security of a job, the opposite makes a statement t
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the most suitable career. While some hold a strong claim that job satisfaction is the most pivotal, the opposite makes a statement that a long-lasting job is
The majority of the masses opine that satisfaction of the profession is high dominant than a long-term career. While others believe that employees have fewer benefits compared to full-time employment is crucial to their
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the job expectation. While some hold a strong view that job gratification is more imperative than a permanent job, the opposite makes a statement that dedicat
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over the expectation when choosing a job. While some people claim that it is much better to be satisfied at work, the opposite makes a statement that they prefer the
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the most suitable job for each person. While some hold a strong view that job gratification is more significant to the job criteria of one person
There is a controversial notion heating a debate over the job expectation. While some hold a view that job satisfaction is the most pivotal element, the opposites make a statement that job security also plays a significa
There are controversial notions heating up a debate over people’s job expectations. While some people hold a strong view that job security is not as important as how pleased we feel with our jobs, the opposite makes a st
There are argumentative perspectives heating a debate over the job expectation. While some claim that career gratification is more imperative than a long-term job, the opposite make a statement that devoting to a job for
There are argumentative perspectives heating a debate over how to get high achievements. While some claim that getting access to a reputed college is the sole way to gain accomplishments, the opposite makes a statement t
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating up a debate over people’s job expectations. While some hold a strong view that a long-term job is not as important as job contentment, the opposite makes a statem
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating a debate over ideal jobs. While some hold a strong view that content with a career is more vital than a stable job, others make the opposite statement. While voca
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating a debate over ideal factors of choosing an occupation. While some hold a strong view that the vocation gratification should be put premium on job seeking, the opp
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