IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are controversial notions heating up a debate over the imperativeness of job satisfaction and job security. Whilst some people hold a strong view that job certainty is not so pivotal as its fulfilment, the opposite
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating up a debate over job criteria. While some hold a strong view that being satisfied with their job is more significant than a permanent job, the opposite makes a st
There are tremendously controversial perception heating up a debate over the most suitable job. While some hold a strong view that job gratification is more significant than a permanent job, the opposite makes a statemen
Over the last decade, the thinking of the newer generation has changed drastically in means for the working professionals. Few folks are more into working interests, however, remaining do strongly believe that fixed ende
There is a tremendously controversial notion heating up a debate whether what is the major of task opportunities. While some claim a strong view that a delight position is more crucial than a safe career, the opposite ma
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating a debate over ideal jobs. While some hold a strong view that vocation gratification should be prioritized in job seeking, the other makes a statement that a stabl
There are argumentative perspectives heating a debate on factors making an ideal job. While some hold a strong view that a long - term vocation is not as remarkable as job’s gratification , the opposite makes a statement
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over an ideal job. While some hold a strong view that vocation gratification is of essence, the opposite makes a statement that a stable job is more crucial. Althoug
There are argumentative conceptions heating a debate over the fact that career satisfaction is more significant than occupation security. While some hold strong views that the satisfaction of employment is more vital tha
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating a debate over an ideal job. While some hold a strong view that vocation gratification is of the essence, the opposite makes a statement that a stable job is more
According to some people, job satisfaction should be more valued than job security. However, others claim that attaining a permanent job is more worthy than having a satisfying job. This essay will discuss both sides of
There are argumentative perspectives heating a debate over ideal jobs. While some claim that vocation gratification should be prioritized in job seeking, the opposite makes a statement that it is not as integral as stab
There are tremendously controversial perspectives heating the debate over the significance of factors making an ideal occupation. While some hold a strong view that line of work satisfaction plays a more important role t
There are tremendously controversial notions heating a debate over ideal jobs. While some claim that vocation gratification should be prioritised in job seeking, the opposite makes a statement that it is not as integral
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over security or satisfaction which is more important in line of work. While some claim that the enjoyment of vocation is more significant, the opposite makes the
in reccent decades,people are working harder than before and spend most of their time on earning money.some individuals believe that job satisfaction is a significant element in each work.however ,some commentators argue
The world is becoming more challenging day by day morever people is moving like crazy. Some people think about job pleasure whereas some people are happy with their permanent job.Both are important in this competitive w
There have been many arguments about whether job security or job satisfaction should remain the priority when choosing a career path. In my opinion, both have their benefits and shortcomings.
There is no doubt that most adults spend the majority of their day at work. Although many masses vocalize that having a satisfied job is more significant,while variant hold that safety of job is crucial. This essay will
Some people choose their job occupations based on the income, some on the other hand are crucial to having their favourite hobby as their profession. Therefore, it is still undisclosed which one of the appr0aches is rath
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