IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, paying and collecting taxes has become a broad issue for the general public. Several inhabitants argue that workers should preserve full of the cash as their property. However, it seems to me that in
There is a debatable point that taxation revenue is said to be unnecessary to pay for the government. The writer of this essay contends that the income tax serves a valuable purpose in developing healthcare infrastructur
Many are of the opinion that citizens should maintain all their income rather than paying taxation to the government due to their financial difficulties, However, I am largely in disagreement with this perspective since
Many are of the opinion that citizens should maintain all their income without imposing taxation to the government due to the difficulties for necessity purchase, However, I am largely in disagreement with this perspecti
Whether people should possess all their salaries or pay taxes to the government is a controversial discussion. This writer agrees that citizens need to pay taxes because it will lead to improved infrastructure and econom
It is belief that the money which people have earned should be kept and avoiding spend for tax to the state. The writter of this essay strongly disagree with that idea by various reasons which help government improve the
While some argue that individuals should preserve their hand- earned income and avoid paying taxes, i firmly believe that fulfilling tax obligations is crucial due to the numerous benefits it entails. It may not be pleas
Some people argue that they have the right to keep all the income they earn, with no obligation, and no need to pay taxes to the government. In my opinion, I disagree with this approach because taxation helps to grow the
The issue of whether cultural traditions become diminished or preserved through commercialization is a polarizing one. On one hand, monetizing these traditions might risk altering or eroding their authentic essence, maki
There is an ongoing debate regarding paying taxes. While some people argue that they should possess all the money they earn without paying taxes to the government, I believe that citizens should pay taxes considering th
I usually find some cases that can relate with this topic. Tax may be a sensitive things to discuss by some people that have a high salary but they also have many responsibilty in their home. For example I have come acro
There are opinions in society arguing that workers should not be taxed at all and get to save all the earned money for themself. However, I didn't conform to this idea.
Numerous people think that they have to spend the money they have got without pay any tax to the government. I personally do not stand with this opinion and will explain the reasons throughout this essay. First, this ess
I disagree with the statement that individuals should not pay taxes to the state. For this reason , the government runs the countryside from the taxes it collects . People with higher incomes pay more in taxes , which h
Certain portions of society believe that they have the right to keep every single cent they earn without paying taxes to the authorities. I strongly disagree with the statement because, governments completely depend on
A state is a system that is run by the people and for the people. A state fulfils many duties for its people and to run efficiently, it requires income. This revenue comes from taxes that people pay to the state. Thus, p
In some countries, paying tax is a must and the government spend them for the welfare of that nation. I disagree with this statement that individuals should not pay. In this essay, the reasons of the opponents and the p
It is generally argeed that most people belive that paying taxes is a deety and a contribution to society.However others view that paying tax is not crucial. I partially agree with this opinion.
Today, there is an argument among some people which is about taxes. They regard as it not true that the state is paid tax by population. I completely agree with this statement and I will convey why in this essay.
In the present era, money plays a significant role in human activity.It is argued that earned cash ought not to pay to authorities instead it should be kept with oneself, while others argue that it should be paid to the
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