IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people think teenagers need to serve the community in their spare time without pay, so they can learn to commit to other people. While I think adolescents should spend their time on other important matters by compar
There is a new idea circulating among some experts which states that teenagers should do charity work on their holidays in order to gain a deeper appreciation and help their local communities. Although I believe that the
It is often said that adolescents must be encouraged to participate in unpaid social services during their spare time, as this would be beneficial to both themselves and society. From my perspective, I agree with this st
Many people hold the view that adolescents should go to community work in their free time without salary, because this can help both young people and the community. In my point of view, I totally agree with this opinion.
As an introduction, due to the rising level of competition for University education, many children nowadays spend a busy life schedule in order to balance their studies and leisure activities. A fair amount of people su
Some individuals believe that community service should become compulsory for all adolescents in their leisure time. I strongly believe, the voluntary works can be advantageous for personal and professional life for indiv
Many teenagers take part in volunteer work nowadays, whether it be out of kindness or to have something for their resumé. However, the concept of imposing unpaid work on them to benefit the local community raises issues
Many individuals affirm that voluntary work should be required for young people to do in their leisure time and this can be beneficial for both themselves and the community as well. From my standpoint, I completely agree
Inevitably, motivating juveniles to do charity endeavours during leisure time , may inculcate more social and emotional skills.As it is easy to build stronger children rather than repair broken men; therefore , the youn
Unpaid community work is a topic that sparks debate when it comes to mandating it for teenagers. While some argue that it can be beneficial for both teenagers and the community, I strongly disagree with the idea of makin
One of the most conspicuous things in the world today, that are people thinks about children and their philanthropic activities in their leisure time, if it can be viewed as a benefit or detrimental to society. From my p
Many people believe that all teenagers should be obligated in their free time to work to help the local community without being paid. They strongly think that this would have a positive impact on both the teenager and th
Some people argue that wages should not be paid for teenage workers who spend their free time on work in the community so that can lead to some beneficial skills to teenagers and also good to the community. In my opinion
In today’s life, many people suppose that if young individuals take part in voluntary jobs, it will bring advantages to both themselves and the community. Although this is partly true, I argue that we should not force th
In our fast-paced world, some people consider that students need to be volunteers in their spare time. However, others, including me, reckon that it is not a true way for learners to do unpaid work. This essay will give
In recent years, some individuals assert that young people must involve in social work without any financial benefit, in their leisure time, as the advantage for both sides community and teenagers. I entirely agree. Firs
These days, many teenagers dedicate themselves in volunteers in community work. Some assert that this development brings benefits to both children and the community. In my point of view, I strongly agree with this belief
There is no doubt that volunteering is a vital benefit idea that has ultimate number of benefits. Recently, The concept that teenagers should voluntary has become datable topic that many agree while other reject the noti
People hold different views on whether advertising is successful to encourage customers to buy their products or not. As far as I am concerned, I think that the marketing is successful in persuading more buyers to buy th
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