IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the contemporary era, with the evolving social landscape, people’s perspectives on lifestyles have significantly diverged. The question of whether people should accept dissatisfaction with their work and inadequate in
Some individuals think that accepting a job with an unsuitable situation such as a low salary and unsatisfying features is much better than trying to improve the position of a job.
It is a controversial argument that when people are faced with unpleasant conditions, it would be great if they accept it or make the decision to change it. In my opinion, it would be better to plan for a better situatio
A group of individuals presents the view that the best way to face poor conditions such as an unfulfilling job or lack of money is to accept it. While others claim we can improve unfavorable situations by not giving up.
While it is widely claimed that the best solutions is to accept bad situation such as jobs or shortage of money sometimes, others argue that the struggle to improve such situation is better. Both points of view and reaso
Accept bad situation could be the door for new opportunity of live. Several of humans think that it is better to accepting bad situation, like working in the wrong uncomfortable place, lack of money and low incom. Other
In some individuals, there are a believe that the way to handle a bad experience is to voluntarily accept it, such as lack of money or a very bad profession. While some others believe that any unpleasant situations can b
It is controversial topic whether people might aspire to enhance their life conditions or accept when they encounter an unfulfilled job or a lack of money. In my opinion people should always pave their way forward and su
Living in this modern era means that sometimes we listen to plenty of ideas, notably when confirming how we react in a worst situation. Some people believe accepting a bad scenario, like unvalued works or lack of money i
Life often presents challenging scenarios, like unfulfilling employment or financial difficulties, leading to divergent views on whether to accept these hardships or strive for change. This essay explores both perspectiv
According to some people, we should accept unacceptable situations like an unsatisfactory profession or scarcity of money. However, others believe that, instead we should try to improve those situations. I personally bel
In the contemporary world, the debate of whether mature individuals should accept their dismal conditions, such as an unpleasant job or shortage of money, or whether it is better to try to deal with such situations and t
Some people are of the opinion that the best way is deal with bad situations such as lack of money and doing some job that we are not satisfied with. But some others believe that if do effort and try to improve situation
A number of people believe that everybody should accept their bad situation, for instance, a job which is not the one you want or lack of money while others believe it is much better to try and develop these kinds of sit
In spite of the fact that, some individuals prefer to endure in a hard and challenging situation, others are into change and transition. In my perspective, improvement and change could be life’s milestone, so I am up to
Certain individuals think that it is much better not to fight with bad circumstances such as poverty or unattractive jobs. Opponents, however, believe that it is important to pursue better living conditions. In my opin
Society speculates that people may be accepting such uncomfortable jobs and less funds as their destiny. Conversely, the others ensure it can be an improvement through the situation. I agree that employees nowadays must
There is an opinion that people should adapt to the undesirable circumstances, like a lack of finances or distressing occupation, whereas the others hold contradictory beliefs. I strongly believe that nobody should giv
Some believe that we have accept our bad situation as it is while others want to change that situation by working on that proble. In my opinion I belive if anything bad happen, we can change that with our action.
Many people opined that the best way is to accept terrible situations like frustrating jobs and lack of money, while others reckon that it is always better to try and improve these grounds. This essay hopes to discuss th
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