IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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After graduating from high school, some individuals think that it would be beneficial for them to find a decent job immediately, whereas others hold the opposite perspective that higher education will be an optimal optio
In the contemporary world, after graduating high school it is possible for teenagers to be provided with a job or continue their study straightforward. It is thought that getting a job has some benefits, whereas ot
Along with the boom of the globalized world, while some people opine that continuing to study is the best way to reach a successful profession, the opponents insist that youngsters should seek a job straight away after f
Many people think that the getting a knowledge at college or university is greatest way to take a position in every wanted sphere.However, others reckoning that this is better to find employment.Although,there are benefi
Some people argue that accessing tertiary education is the best way to achieve success, while others claim that getting a job after graduating from secondary schooling is better. Personally, I agree with the former opini
In recent times, it is believed by some that pursuing academic life is the best approach to a successful job, however, others opine that starting a profession right after school would be a better choice; I take the view
having a successful career plays a vital role in enhancing an individual's life. While many people believe that studying at university or college is the most effective approach to gaining a successful career, others oppo
Now a days, people having varieties of opinion like in order to get a good carrier in future either should go to work on early stage of life or having a masters in subjects. Presently, more than 80% of world population p
People have different views about whether students should receive further education after high school. while there are some benefits to getting a job after school, I believe it's better to go to college or university.
It is often considered that the masses need to enrol in a university or college to fulfil their dreams by getting respectful job opportunities. Whereas, a few individuals believed that after completing school learning st
It is often considered that the masses' need to enroll in the university or college to fulfil their dreams by getting respectful job opportunities. Where, a few individual believed that after completing school learning s
In this modern era, there are split views regarding what to do after completion of school or whether admission to the University for Further Study. Some group of people believes that students have to study in universitie
It is true that the question of whether to study at university or get a job straight after school remains a source of controversy in the education field. While a number of people believe that working after graduating hig
In order to achieve success in a career, some people think that completing tertiary education is the best guarantee, while others consider getting first-hand experience right after school more valuable. In my opinion, th
It is widely acknowledged that compared to seeking a job, attaining tertiary education, such as a bachelor’s degree and a postgraduate certificate after high school, is the most crucial factor driving success. Even thoug
People have different ideas about whether having academic knowledge or starting a job right after school can lead to a more successful situation. While going to university is very good and helpful, I believe entering the
The unpredictable progress of society brings several notable notions with them which are interconvertible the rising tendency of education is one of them, many people claim that studying in universities is a great caree
It is believed by a few people that to keep studying continue after school is the better way to achieve success in the career. However, to start a work straight after high school is considered useful by others. The both
People hold conflicting views about whether studying at universities or colleges or going straight to work is more superior. From my point of view, I believe that both ways have their own advantages.
In this day and age, people hold conflicting views about whether students should continue to study after school or choice a work. Although there are good arguments in favour of studying at university or college, I person
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