IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are different opinions among people regarding crime and punishment. While fixed punishment can help to avoid some crimes from being committed like paedophilia, I fully believe that the circumstance and motivation
One of the widely discussed issues is pinalize variuos types of crime in different ways. It is undeniable that judging has become an essential part of our life. However, there is no absolute agreement on whether illegal
It is argued by some individuals that there should be permanent penalties for each kind of crime. In contrast, others believe that the motive and situations of criminal offenders should always be taken into consideration
Any country that aim to be crime free or have fewer crimes should have strict rules for criminal. Mostpeople want punishment should be strict for any kind of crime. They want the law to be strictly followed. On the other
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is the type of punishment used in various kind of crime. It is undeniable that the law has become an essential part of our life. Nevertheless, there is no absolute agreement on
In the contemporary era, crime rates increased due to the shortage of resources. Some people think that punishments for crime should be fixed for everyone. However, others believe that the circumstances of a person and t
Generally, it was widely noticeable in society that some citizens think crime punishment should depend on the circumstances and the nature of the cases. Nevertheless, the rest of the people consider each crime should be
The allocation of punishment for criminals has been a highly debated topic. Many intellectuals are in favour of fixed sentences for different crimes, while others believe that judicial systems should take into account al
Law is essential for society to keep it peaceful. To make the public follow the rule, sometimes, discipline is necessary. Some individuals claim that lawmakers should fix the punishments, in contrast, others opine that
The administration of justice in each country may have its laws. Although some people are in favour of a fixed sentence, others care about the circumstances of the crime. I will examine both views and express my opinion.
The administration of justice in each country may have its laws. Although some people are advocates a fixed edict, others care about the circumstances of the crime. I will examine both views and express my opinion.
The issue of whether to have fixed punishment or individualized retribution has been a topic of debate for many years. Some people subscribe to the notion that there should be a fixed penalty for each type of scandal, w
The issue of whether to have fixed punishment or individualized punishment has been a topic of debate for many years. Some people subscribe to the notion that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime, wh
The debate over fixed penalty versus considering individual situations and motivations when deciding on the appropriate punishment for a crime is an ongoing one. In Addition, both perspectives have their merits, and it i
The debate over fixed punishment versus considering individual circumstances and motivations when deciding on the appropriate punishment for a crime is an ongoing one. Both perspectives have their merits, and it is essen
Some people hold the idea that everyone should get equal punishment for their crimes. While others believe that before reaching a final verdict one should always listen to their side of the story . What were the conditio
Punishment has always been a challenging subject to decide in society, especially in the modern world. Human right is so different now in comparison to the past. Deciding on suffering even before the felony happens is n
It is undeniable that due to the poverty, and social in equality, the number of crimes are rose in certain nations. While some individuals believe that a punishment for each crime's category should be fixed. Conversely,
When considering the question of fixed punishments versus individual circumstances, there are varying perspectives. On one hand, proponents advocate for predetermined penalties for each category of crime. Conversely, opp
Corruption amount has been upsurged nowadays, that's why, few individuals hold the view that a fixed forfeiture for every type of wrongdoing is a perfect way to decrease it, whereas, a section of society claims that pena
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