IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people are convinced that understanding the issue behind a crime and the prime motivation must be taken into consideration while deciding the punishment for the crime. However, I strongly opine that there should be
A group of individuals present the idea that there should be a certain punishment for any type of crime, while others believe that the circumstances of the criminals and the motive for committing the crime should be cons
A handful of people are of the opinion that fixed punishment for some crimes like murder is the right way to go. However, there are other people who argue that the nature of the crimes committed should also be taken into
Generally speaking, different types of crimes should be followed by specific punishments. The controversial issue is whether these punishments must be based on the motivations or fixed ones must be applied. Motivation is
A handful of people carry the opinion that having a fixed sentence for certain offences such as murder is the way to go. However, there are also others who opine, arguing that the nature of the offences committed should
As we believe that any crimes have any triggered to do their actions. Within that, people argue if individuals get involve in any kind or crimes will get the same punishments, whether it based from their circumstances or
Some people think that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Another ,however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime , and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into
There appears to be a lack of consensus on the type of punishment for criminals committing the same offence. While some people argue that all offenders should be imposed the same punishments without caring about their mo
Due to the fact that the majority of adult's heydays are spent on work, job satisfaction plays a crucial role in their welfare. The reality is plenty of factors contribute to career contentment and in my opinion, providi
Due to the fact that the majority of adult's heydays is spent on work, job satisfaction plays a crucial role is their welfare. The reality is plenty of fators contributing to career contentment and in my opinion, providi
A group of individuals present the view that any type of crime should have a fixed penalty, whereas others believe that the conditions of criminals and the motive for committing crime should be considered for making deci
The debate of whether a specific penalty should be devoted to every model of crime or the circumstances in which a culprit has been compelled to do the guilty deed should be considered, is a contentious one. Before stati
These days people argue that there must be a specific penalty for every single crime committed, however others believe that before deciding the punishment it should be looked into deeper and why the situation happened. T
Nowadays due to the high crime rate the system of punishment should be changed to deter crime. While some people believe that there should be the same punishment for each type of crime, others claim that the penalty shou
Dealing with criminals is often one of the most controversial activities since the prosecutor have to judge the matter based on both the moral side and the harsh legal side. Different types of crimes have vastly differen
Some argue that there should be a standardized punishment for every type of criminal act because it allows the court to have equal rules. Others think that the perpetrator’s background should be considered and this essay
A group of individuals present the view that all criminals should be treated with similar punishment, whereas others believe there should be varied penalties due to the offenders’ crimes. I strongly agree with the latter
Some people think that every crime committed should receive a penalty, while a faction says that the circumstances of the delict should prevail when the sentence is stipulated. Despite the fact that fixed punishments cau
Nowadays, there is a debate about the issue of crime punishment whether it should be fixed or should be decided according to the person offense or the motive. Although, it is important to have fixed punishments as it ena
It is argued whether the circumstances of an individual crime should be considered or whether there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Although no crime can be justified with certain explanation when don
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