IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Punishments for all kinds of crimes are very useful as social control in society. People have different arguments there should be fixed punishments for any crime while others are against those rules. I believe fixed puni
Punishments for all kind of crimes are very useful as social control in society. People have different arguments there should be fixed punishments for any crimes while others against that rules. I believe fixed punishmen
Primarily everycrime must not be unpunish.However,for everycrime should be taken punishments looking at their level of crime.For instance,someone stole a suitcase and for this government cannot give a ten or more than y
These days, one of the major problems facing the modern world is the issue of crime. Some individuals hold the view that a constant sentence should be assigned to each felony, while others think that the situation and st
When it comes to punishments for each type of crime, there are differing opinions on the matter. It is important to explore both sides of the argument to gain a comprehensive understanding. In this essay, both sides of t
Some people think that every kind of crime should has fixed punishment, but other agree that must consider about other factors such as condition and motivation about related crime that have been done. In my opinion, both
The number of animal species in danger of extinction has considerably increased over the last few decades. Therefore, it is vital that protection measures are taken before more animals become extinct. This essay will out
A group of individuals presents the view that each type of criminal activity needs a defined punishment, while others believe that other factors such as the crime's circumstances and driving force for involving in crimes
It is often argued by some people that there should be a single disciplinary action against all sorts of offences, while others view that the situation of the crime, should be considered before imposing a strict action.
There is no doubt that these days some people often of crime the same punishment and the another people should be the different punishment however what the type of crime this csuses should be have the more complicated an
When it comes to crime judgment, while some people think that fixed punishments should be implemented regardless of crime. Others believed that individual circumstances and motivation should also be addressed. Although i
Some individuals are of the opinion that there shouldn't be variations in the punishments alloted to different kinds of wrongdoings because it could help reduce crime rates.However,some believe that the drive towards a c
Some say that a stable punishment should be used for every type of violation, while others would argue that each situation and reason why someone perform a crime should be considered. This essay would argue that although
In this day and age , more and more current attention has been placed on whether it should be fixed punishments for each circumstance rather than receiving on the punishment . In this essay, I will examine both views and
In this day and age , more and more current attention has been placed on whether there should be fixed punishments for each circumstance rather than receiving the punishment . In this essay, I will examine both views an
The effect of the situation of a misdeed have on the level of punishment is a matter of discussion. While some argue that the situation and the person's intention shall be considered on the level of punishment, others sa
Commission of crime is the action of harmful and antisocial behaviour. Some people argue the punishment should be the same for each category of crime while others say every punishment should be considered as a separate
Fixing punishments for each type of crime has been a debatable issue. There are many arguments supporting both views, those for and those against fixed punishments. This essay will analyze both sides of the argument, fur
A large portion of the population holds the view that certain crimes should carry more severe penalties than others, while others argue that the context and intent of a crime should always be taken into account when dete
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