IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Alot of travellers tends to visit various Nations day by day. It is a debateable fact that tourists should behave as per the customs as well as traditions of the host country. I fully agree with this statement. This essa
It is irrefutable that, every nations have their own traditions and culture . Many individuals argue that tourist should follow the customs and traditions of host country.I personally agree with the given statement. This
Variations in behaviour and lifestyle differentiate one country from another. Due to this very reason tourism has increased over the past decades. Some people opine that tourists should behave accordingly to the customs
There are different opinions on whether visitors should comply with local traditions, or the locals should accept foreign lifestyles. In my opinion, the host country should welcome new patterns of belief and culture.
Cultures can represent a variety of behaviours and customs. There were some allegations from people who believe that visitors should follow the country rules and the way they act, while others think it is better to have
Some people are calling into question how tourists should behave when they visit a new state ,while some argue foreigners should follow local customs and etiquette ,others believe the host country should open to other c
Some people think that foreign visitors should follow local norms, another countrycountry should welcome diverse cultures .I think foreign visitors should do what the Romans do,,otherwise their behaviour might seem offen
importance of local customs in a country is always debatable and becomes more major issue nowadays with some people claiming that a visitor of other countries must emulate the local customs and others reject this notion
Some people say that foreign tourists should have behaviour that respects local customs and traditions. Others, however, argue that they don't need to behave like local people, and the destination country should accept
Nowadays, women are working hand in hand with men at most of the corporate firms in the world. While a lot of folks believe that it is the duty of a woman to do household chores daily, others argue that both genders shou
Some opine that non-native individuals must adopt the culture of their new residential place, while I agree that citizens should host and accept foreigners as it is with their style of living. This essay will discuss bot
In globalisation, people tend to travel around the world for their leisure time. We might have such a diverse mindset on whether we should follow local culture and behaviour or the country should accept cultural differen
In the world, each and every nation have its own culture and tradition, which different from other nations. Some people, ,,however think that people who are visiting from other countries should follow their country's cus
In a world where most countries’ authorities have the tendency to attract tourists to their own country for supplying their budget and earning more money, there are two points of view about foreigners who come to such co
Nowadays, the tourism industry has become widespread around the world. Some individuals believe that tourists should respect the traditions and behaviour of the destination country but others contemplate that the host co
There is no argument that visitors should follow local customs, behaviour and culture when they are in other countries. Some people think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. In the following paragr
It’s undeniable that cultural differences might be experienced in any country. On the one hand, the overwhelming majority of people support the point of view ,that imitating local traditions and behaviour by visitors sho
There are those who claim that when visiting another country, foreigners ought to show respect to locals by acting according to their rules and customs, while the opposing stance is that the host country has the role t
There are people who think that other nationalities must adhere to the local traditions and customs of other countries they visit. Respecting the ideas and behaviour of a host country is a must. However, I believe that l
Although it is thought by some that people should adopt to the culture of the country they are visiting, others dispute and consider that countries must be hospitable and welcomr various cultures. I am convinced that tou
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