IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays young people are not responsible; thus, they should not be married before they are 21 years old, therefor I agree that couples should not be married until they are 21 years old or more.
Whether or not, to permit individuals to have a driver license in their twenties or not is a contentious issue. This writer argues that government need to give residents permission to drive a car due to their great respo
Individuals born in new decades might experience longevity compared to the previous generations, which is due to the advancement of medical science, and it should certainly be seen as a negative incident because of an in
Presently, it is commonly considered by many people that new generations of human have a longer life expectancy than the prior generations. This statement offers both benefits and drawbacks of this circumstance, which wi
Due to an advancement of technology in a medication, individuals who born in this contemporary time seem to live longer than citizens in the past. In this essay, both advantages and disadvantages of this matter will be o
t is widely agreed that a happy and stable relationship in marriage is the bedrock of any community, with a greater likelihood of responsible partners, and if children result, a harmonious family. Because of this, it is
Some individual thought that the best way to collaborate different cultures and ages together is by music. I believe that music can benefit a lot to our entire world.
Some argue that the individual who could afford to pay money can enjoy faster and better treatment in a public-funded medical sector. But, I completely disagree with the statement as this would create disadvantageous si
There is an opinion that people of different traditions and age group can be brought together using music. In my opinion music can play a significant role in creating bonds and bringing people closer because everyone enj
It cannot be denied that we are living in a world where we can hear great sounds and music at any time. Proponents say that music is probably a good way to bring many people from different countries and ages together. An
It is true that some people believe music is a bridge to connect people from different cultures and ages. While I agree music is a form of common feelings expression, people who are older or conservative may refuse to un
Some believe that if someone wants to bring people from different cultures and ages together, music can be an excellent method. In my opinion, the lack of words allows music to evoke the same emotion, as well as the spe
In the ultra-modern epoch, technology is proliferating on a daily basis. However, it is an argued issue whether the regime spent a colossal amount on space research or other masses say that a plethora of issues are still
Most of the public believe that the citizens who born in this generation are like to survive longer period than the past generation people. I strongly agree with the statement that current generation people are like to l
There is an argument going on regarding the impact of music to be a way of contributing to various cultural behaviors and different age groups and that is by sharing the same way of communication. I strongly agree with t
Music has become popular leisure activities throughout the world. It is believed by many people that music Plays a vital role to keep in touch between multiculture and multi ages people. I completely agree with the state
Some people argue that music is a good method to bring people from various cultural backgrounds or ages together.From my perspective,I totally agree with this point of view for the following reasons.
Some individuals are of the opinion that the best way to connect various cultures is through music. I firmly support the given statement and in this essay, I am going to elaborate more on the reasons supporting this idea
Nowadays, people are born to have longer lives rather than older generations. Positive and negative sides influence this case, and this essay will explain from both views.
many people belive that money is a major key to consider a job to be worthy. While it is true that money is important , other main reasons must be considered along with it. Nontheless this essay displays that money alone
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