IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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We live in an age when many of us stick to our daily routines and avoid change. Even so, some people believe that it’s always better to develop our lives. This essay will discuss both views and give my own opinion.
Some people spend their life for making similar things rather than changing them. However, the others believe that the change is a wonderful selection. In my opinion, our life become better and better when all of them ar
Some people believe that the evolution of lifestyles of people these days has a benefit to society, some argue that it has a bad effect on us. In this essay, I will argue that they both have their own justification.
We are living in a modern world where everything has changed even the human being lifestyle. Some communities tend to spend their time avoiding fluctuation in their lives and keep doing everything identically. While oth
The internet has great importance in the world.Today some people think that the internet has many features while others think it causes problems.This essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
There is no denying the fact that there are many ideas about changing and life stayle. It is a commonly held belief that, doing the same routine is one of the best ways to live, there is also an argument that change is t
People debate regarding the convicts who committed harsh crimes and whether they should be sentenced to a lifetime prison term or released on parole after some time. From my perspective, excluding the bloodthirsty minori
There are two disperse views about sticking to only one thing in whole life and about bringing changes to the type of work one usually does. Some people prefer doing only one type of work, while others want to bring chan
There are varieties of people around the local community and the globe as a whole with different norms. Some people are willing to change for good and others are not. This is because it depends on an individual with thei
t is said that individuals should be responsible for choosing their own paths, while others believe that this responsibility belongs to governments. This essay will discuss both viewpoints of this argument and I will ill
It is thought by a vast number of people that making change is mostly a good thing instead of preferring to spend their time on the same choice. I could not agree more with this view for two crucial reasons: Firstly, ne
There are several arguments concerning whether people should repeat their regular habits to prevent changes rather than the consistent redevelopment of them. In my personal standpoint, our life will not be better if we r
During our life, people face numerous and various challenges. Someone believed that staying in the comfort zone and maintaining the living style was the best. However, someone argued that facing challenges and trying to
Changes are always good in life because it helps to grow financially and mentally. Some people choose to spend their lives without any changes. On the other hand, some people believe that change is always a positive thin
Some individuals prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, on the other hand , believe that change is always a positive thing. In my opinion, change a positive thing due to it allow
It is believed by many individuals that doing similar things throughout a life is more beneficial for them, so they resist to accept natural phenomenon of change. Although, there are still few persons, who disapprove a
In the latest decades, inhabitants have completely altered their living standards with the use of new inventions. Subsequently, it has been frequently argued that it has brought many benefits in the lives of the masses,
Nowadays, Individuals live a modern lifestyle according to previous years. It is argue topic So, this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this notion.
Modern lifestyles are fully different from the method individual lived in the pervious generations. Some believe that changes have been extremely positive, whereas others feel they have been adverse . In my opinion, M
The debate over whether change is always a good thing or whether it is better to stick to the familiar and unchanging aspects of life has long been a topic of discussion. While some individuals feel comfortable in their
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