IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days many people prefer to spend time playing video games, particularly children. This type of game can be used as a great way to learn some new information, however, there are negative effects such as addiction to
We live in a technological world where video games are played by children on a daily basis. While many people say that these are safe and educational, others argue that they can have detrimental consequences on the users
It is believed by some that video games can exert educational value, availing gamers to access knowledge while enjoying games, whereas opponents contend that a number of detrimental effects can arise from playing such g
Many people, and juveniles in particular, enjoy playing video games. Although I admit that video games can sometimes bring a positive effect, I firmly believe that they are more likely to cause a harmful impact.
It is sometimes argued that playing is more than a distraction. Nevertheless, with the growing popularity of gamification in learning, whether gaming can have a beneficial effect on young children has become a topic of w
Nowadays, many people, old or young, enjoy playing video games whether for entertainment or education. In contrast, some experts believe that this activity could negatively affect life for people who love to do so. There
Nowadays many people, old or young enjoy playing video games whether for entertainment or education. Contrastly, some experts believed that this activity could negatively affect life for people who love to do so. Therefo
Playing video games has become a popular pastime activity for many people. While it is claimed by some that such games do not have any harmful effects on players and are in fact educationally beneficial, I believe that p
It is such a controversial issue that video games can be used as an education tool, whereas some people think that playing video games can cause serious side effects. Although playing games can help us make better decisi
In the developing and modern world, video games are increasingly attracting both the old and the young, especially children. While they could play a positive role in our daily lives, I believe their disadvantages out sha
Video game players are legion, especially since the last decade when playing those games has democratized the whole world. To that, many people assert that this activity could be beneficial for gamers due to the benefit
Nowadays it is often believed that video games are a tool for entertainment or even for education. In contrast, some experts think that the method of spending leisure time has a negative influence on the community who ar
Even though some people may comprehend video games as an educative and fun tool, other ones might think there are more disadvantages in their utility. I tend to agree with the latter statement, since as far as I can gath
in recent decades,video games have bocome popular among people.some individuals argue that palying video games have some benefit for them. nevertheles ,others believe that video games bring some counterproductive effects
In this era, video games gain popularity among youngsters and a lot of people. Although it is true that video games have a positive impact on the players, I do believe that video games will be more likely to influence t
Today, in this era, video games gain popularity among youngsters and a lot of people. Although it is true that video games have a positive impact on the players, I do believe that video games will be more likely to infl
Several individuals think that live gaming from videos is pleasurable and educative whereas the other view is that it causes negative externalities on gamers. In my perspective, the disadvantages, such as their distracti
In recent years, have seen a dramatic increase in the number of people who like to play video games. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative.
The question of whether video games are advantageous or disadvantageous has become a matter of debate in recent years. From my perspective, the benefits that accompany this means of entertainment are slightly more signif
The video game industry has become one of the largest industries in recent decades. Plenty of new games, platforms and technologies are emerging yearly which shows that this industry is still growing and more people are
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