IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Contemporarily, a significant number of people are of the view that advertisement motivates people to buy unnecessary items, whereas others believe that this broadcasting informs new products on the market. I concur with
I agree with the first one. At least based on my experience, most of the time advertising makes us buy stuff we want and do not really need. There are several reasons why I agree with this statement.
A fair amount of the public believes that ads create unnecessary need whereas others think that adverts provide information regarding new commodities which improves people living.however,I partly agree with both these s
If city livers want to get a bit of peace and quiet, they can go to a park and satisfy with nature, bird’s songs and maybe sounds of river flow. For people who want to work in quiet place the best decision is a library.
Advertisement is the prominent factor to attract mass community. There are people who believe, beacuse of, advertisement they are buying unnecessary products. However, there are few who opine that promotions make them aw
Recently, advertisements always become a hot issue in many debates, because of its influence in people decision when buying stuffs. Some people said that it encourages people to buy unnecessary things, while the other th
It is argued that marketing of products through media provokes people to purchase unnecessary items, while a few others believe that, it is vital for the material information to be shared for the knowledge of the public
In this modern and digital era, we are more associated technology and mostly mobile devices like phones , tablets and laptops . Using these devices brings lot of opportunities to advertise. These adver
In recent years, advertisements have notably changed customers’ buying behaviour. Some argue that they induce impulse purchases, while others are of the opinion that they are better informed about the products that may i
Nowadays, big organizations tend to increase their profits, via advertisments, while some people think that such marketing trick made poppulation to puchase the useless item for them another consider that advertisement i
Nowadays, there are two views many people believe that promotions are not good as we have to buy goods that we do not have any need that and also others are against this topic and they have beliefs we can get a lot of in
Nowadays, we are exposed to a huge amount of information. Individuals are literally bombarded by media and advertising plays a fundamental role in this game. Some people argue that this tool encourages consumers to buy s
In modern times, commercials have been increasing a lot thereby, creating a lot of confusion among the public. There have been ongoing debates about whether adverts promote unnecessary spending or they have a good impact
Many companies promote their new products by advertising with famous stars, which generates significant revenues for them. Many advertisements attract people to buy new products, moreover, promotional discounts are often
There are split assumptions about promotions among societies. Few individuals argue that publications encourage society to purchase items which they are not required to, while, another group of thinker support that broad
Nowadays we can see the ads in all the serrounding area even on the phone or laptob and actulally we cant stop ourselves from them, so i really understand that the advertisemets is totally planned from the profissional p
Many believe that due to advertisements, people are now more motivated to purchase what is not essential while others believe that advertisements have more advantages adding value to our existence by bringing useful item
In this modern era, companies advertise their products to enhance their business. Many people argue that if we see an advertisement for any item then we want to buy that we do not need. Meanwhile, some believe that adver
In this modern era, companies advertise their products to enhance their business. Many people argue that if we see an advertisement of any item then we want to buy that we do not need. Meanwhile, some believe that advert
Manufacturers from all over the world use advertise their products and services through different print, television, and online media with the intention to introduce those to common consumers. One group of users preach t
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