IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern era, companies advertise their products to enhance their business. Many people argue that if we see an advertisement for any item then we want to buy that we do not need. Meanwhile, some believe that adver
In this modern era, companies advertise their products to enhance their business. Many people argue that if we see an advertisement of any item then we want to buy that we do not need. Meanwhile, some believe that advert
Manufacturers from all over the world use advertise their products and services through different print, television, and online media with the intention to introduce those to common consumers. One group of users preach t
A few individuals mention that product advertisements motivate the public to purchase items that are certainly not necessary. Whereas, others state that it would provide insights into the latest products in the market wh
Advertisements and visual media, in general, play a significant role in our day-to-day life, from educating us about the innovations happening across various consumer industries to new products available in the market.
Individuals are of the view that commercials inspire people to do extra spending on shopping whereas others are of the opinion TV advertisements to give awareness about new innovations which help in raising our living st
Certain public believe that commercials update us about new goods which is a good improvement in our lives while others argue that it encourages individuals to purchase unnecessary staff. I completely agree with the stat
These days, many people believe that propaganda induced society to buy unnecessary items. others assume that it is a genuine way to keep people updated on new products that would make daily life easier.
Advertising is a way of constituting supply and demand equilibrium. Taking into account that inquires of a free-market economy, companies have to be competitive to contribute to the national and global economy by supplyi
In recent times advertisment has been increased rapidly and it has great influence on buyers.As the technology has been growing swiftly the advertisment industry has also been on its top. Now a days almost everything dep
Advertising has become a part of our life, we have advertising all around us used to promote or to brand a particular product or service for a better life. Every idea is found through an advertsiment, it is further devel
Products marketing became more important than ever in the last decade. While some people suggest that advertisements make consumers purchase merchandise that they do not need while, others explain that the advertisements
Whether advertisements could make unnecessary purchase or they are useful to choose right product is a debatable topic. I believe that advertisements are important in making clear decisions about shopping hence, I suppor
While some people believe that adverts embolden us to purchase some items which we may not really need, others are of the opinion that publicity through advertising, gives us information about recent products that may be
Advertising is one of the most important tools of marketing, used to drive demand for a particular brand or product. While some people believe that it only encourages us to buy products which are mere wants rather than n
Nowadays, media has become an essential source of buying decisions using advertisements such as, short videos on youtube or stories in Instagram. In this , the essay I will discuss how this can influence individuals' buy
Advertisement is commonly used by organizations. Few people believe that promoting the products motivates people to buy things that they are not really required but, other feel that it inform people about the new feature
Some people argue that advertisements prompt customers to pay for unnecessary items, while others believe that commercials introduce newly-launched products that can enhance their living standards. While I agree with the
It is commonly believed that advertising has become part and parcel of day-to-day life. While some believe that it has enhanced the quality of life, others, however, argue that this poses a threat to individuals` monetar
It is commonly believed that advertising has become part and parcel of day-to-day life. While some people believe that it has enhanced the quality of life, others, however, argue that this poses a threat to individuals`
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