IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent times, the world is becoming increasingly competitive. The activities that we do at our tender age play a significant role in making us who we are. While some parents advocate that it is better to involve in te
In the modern era, guardian always worry about their juveniles future. There are two different opinions for this, the first group of people believe that children should be promoted by their parents to participate in orga
The growth of children is one of the most critical issues among the public. Providing a positive and safe environment for children is conducive to their mental and physical health. The extracurricular activities are as i
Some parents argue that kids should learn how to fill their time themselves rather than being in a group to enjoy different sorts of activities in their spare time, but others believe the opposite. Allowing offspring to
A section of society holds a belief that offspring should be motivated by their parent to attend social events to do different activities in their leisure time.
According to some, children must be pushed to interact with other kids, others say that scion must learn how to manage their boredom on their own. I consider that the best approach is in the middle, parents should be tho
Today’s world is filled with entertainment media and gaming websites, which allures toddlers to stay alone indoors and engage in gaming activities. Some individuals might propose that urging the youngsters to participate
It is undoubtedly that more and more people focus on how to organize children's free time. Some agree that it is good to arrange social group activities for their kids, while others argue that leave them alone. From my p
It is a debated topic that whether parents should direct their offspring on how to consume their free time by participating in group activites or leave them to choose how to use the aforementioned alone. Both sides will
Then importance of children to participate in organized group activities rather than occupy themselves in their free time which was always debatable has now become more conterversial with Manny people claiming that it is
Teamwork is one of the vital factors considered by recruiters for any kind of occupation. Hence, some elders arrange different group extra-curricular activities for their kid's future development whereas some are opposed
Certain individuals claim that children should be encouraged by their parents to attend in organized group activities in their free time. Others are of the opinion that it is significant for children to learn how to occu
Having hobbies is essential for all age groups especially kids and young children and it is better to enrich this time with creative entertainment which can be done in organizations or individuals. In my opinion, both ty
It is very important for children to engage in fruitful activities during their idle hour. Some people opine that parents should motivate their offspring to do so whereas others believe that they themselves should inculc
Nowadays, many parents are encouraging their children to take part in group activities. However, there are some who don't want their child to depend on anyone else. I would like to shed light on both aspects.
In my opinion, children should take part in organized group activities in their free time. Because, taking part in organized group activities gives the children more opportunites to meet all kind of people and develop th
Every parent in the world wanted to see their children succeed in life. In order to achieve that goal, they take different approaches. Some think, to let their child decide on their own how to remain busy and follow thei
In this present world, it is believed by some that it is best to encourage children to take part in organized group activities and others reckon that they should be learning how to occupy themselves on their own. In my o
Recently, there is a new trend for children’s education whether parents should support their children to engage in extra group activities in their leisure time. Some people believe it is essential for the new generations
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