IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One of the discussed issues nowadays is people's health. Some believe that it will be better if governments required more sports facilities. Meanwhile, some do not think it is enough to solve this problem by buildings. T
Sports materials are considered tools for increasing public fitness. Therefore, some communities have suggested increasing the number of play machinery, while others believe other measures are necessary because the eff
To improve public health some people suggest that the sports can play a vital role. It is said that “Healthy mind is in a Healthy body”. By increasing the number of sports facilities we can create an environment of coura
In today’s day, public health plays a vital role. While some people argue that the most efficient way to enhance the well-being of citizens is to draw attention to the sports facilities, others believe that this would ha
A group of individuals presents the view that increasing the number of sports facilities is an excellent way that results in boosting community health, while others believe that it is not the number of such facilities th
In regard to increasing number of unfit people, it is pivotal for the society to improve public health. Some argued that increasing number of sport facility will aid to healthier society, while others argued otherwise an
In regard to increasing number of unfit people, it is pivotal for the society to improve public health. Some argued that increasing number of sport facility will aid to healthier society, while others argued otherwise an
Recently lots of people have been obese due to their style of living, such as lack of mobility and consuming a not healthy diet. Moreover, due to their busy life, people do not have time to exercise. There is an argument
Public health is a very important theme to discuss in our society. Start from ministers and government workers, and end with simple civilians arguing on health question. This essay will try to figure out the best way to
The question of whether increasing the number of sports facilities is the most effective means to improve public health is a topic of considerable debate. This essay will explore both sides of the argument and present a
A plethora of individuals believe that the finest way to upgrade the well-being of the population is by raising the total of buildings for physical activities. On the other hand, others think that other solutions would b
There are arguments about whether the best idea to improve public health is by creating more sports facilities, whereas other people believe that it is not sufficient to make a significant impact. From my standpoint, I a
There are arguments about whether the best idea to improve public health is by creating more sports facilities; whereas other people believe that is not sufficient enough to make a significant impact. From my standpoint,
Excercise truly is one of the most important aspect in staying healthy. We get the numerous benefits from excercising a few times a week. Science has proved that when we excercise it
In this day and age, the topic of health issues is a hotly disputable one. While some people argue that the general health condition can only be upgraded by establishing more sports centres, others argue that there are o
Nowadays, following a healthy lifestyle is a major challange for society. Some suggests that it can be effective to improve the quality of life by adding more sports while other think there are more possible ways for imp
According to some people, development of sports facilities tends to increase public health. However, others suggest that there are many other factors to consider other than sports facilities when considering the public h
Improving the citizens ‘health has many different ways, although some believe that, the best method is to raise sports equipment, others assume society needs other ways to achieve high quality of health, such as enrichin
Improving public health is a pressing matter that concerns many governments nowadays. In this regard, some people see that in order to improve public health the number of sports centers should be increased while others b
One group of poeple claim that that increasing the abandance of sports facilities is the most effective method of improving the coumminity's health while others say different ways needed to be approached. In my opinion,
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