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Although languages are the main means of communication among people, learning a foreign language and speaking other languages besides the mother tongue has a variety of different reasons, such as entertainment and work.
Learning a foreign language has become a crucial skill required in all fields. Then, many people argue that it should be considered a mandatory task in order to find better jobs and different opportunities worldwide. Nev
Today, learning a foreign language is a necessary subject and people all over the world should learn a second dialect. A group of individuals say people have to learn another speech just to working or travelling while ot
Some people say that the cause of them getting taught a new language other than their mother language is for studying abroad or for travel reasons. And in this essay I'm going to give a reveiw about both studying and tra
Arguments appear between people who believe that learning a foreign language is only for travelling or working abroad purposes, whereas, others believe there are many reasons for studying a foreign language. I strongly a
If i wanted to run a business, it would probably be some kind of IT startup. I'll try to start it in 2025-2026, because i need some time to prepare. Also i can't do it in 2024 because of active project on my current work
Knowing international dialects is very important in humans lives, foreign languages can help people while they are travelling or searching for jobs abroad. Therefore, that is why some believed that the main reason of stu
First of all undeniably that a lot of some people think that only because learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or job in a foreign country . Other people believe that these are not the only reasons why so
It is argued that the primary cause for learning other languages is to travel to or to do a job in a foreign nation while others say that there are other factors to learning a foreign language. I believe that while it is
In recent time, a debate has arisen regarding whether the reason behind learning a foreign language is only to travel or work in a foreign country, however, others and I aruge otherwise. I firmly believe that learning a
In these days, the world is more open than before to learn more about all the others languages. The question is, is learning extra language only limited by the cause of visiting new places or working abroad? Some argue t
In today's interconnected world, the reasons for acquiring proficiency in a foreign language are widely debated. While some argue that language learning serves primarily practical purposes such as facilitating travel or
A group of individuals present the view that only the people who tend to travel or work in a different country have to learn a foreign language, whereas, others believe there are many other reasons for learning a languag
Languages indeed play a crucial role in people's lives for communicating with others. However, some say that learning a foreign linguistic can assist to the people when they are travel or work in abroad while others thin
One may argue that the only motivation for learning a foreign language is solely for work purpose. On the contrary, some people argue that there are many other reasons for someone to learn a foreign language. I am person
There is an argument among people about learning a foreign language. One group claim that travelling or working is the only reason to follow that but other groups disagree with this idea.
While it is widely maintained that the primary purpose of acquiring exotic speeches is to enhance the opportunity to secure overseas employment or enjoy outbound trips, this essay believes that learners of foreign langu
It is undeniable that learning foreign languages is becoming increasingly prevailing among people, which has accordingly sparked a sharp dispute among critics so as to learn whether they are mastered for job prospects an
The motives behind learning a foreign language is quite puzzling. While some believe that it solely stems from people wanting to be able to pursue working or travelling in a foreign country, I, along with others firmly b
Nowadays, the curiosity about the reason behind learning a foreign language has become a heated topic among people in the language's academic field. Some people believe that the main reason that people learn a foreign la
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