IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's world, pollution and housing problems significantly impact on human health. While some people argue that environmental pollution causes diseases, some individuals contend that the government should focus more
In today's world, pollution like air, water, and noise pollution, have become a significant impact on human health. While some people argue that carcinogenic products cause diseases, some individuals contend that environ
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that some people believe that to prevent illness and disease, governments should prioritize reducing environmental pollution and addressing housing issu
There is an argumentative notion heating a debate over whether it is imperative for authorities to have a concentration on deteriorating the degradation of the environment's health and accommodation problems in order to
There is a controversial perspective whether authorities should mainly improve the degradation of environment and accommodation issues in order to reduce illness and disease. Personally, I completely consider myself as a
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the fact that making a reduction in the amount of pollution from environment and housing problems may prevent humans’ beings from illness and disease. This es
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the fact that it is crucial for governors to concentrate more on declining environmental contamination and housing problems to prevent illness and disease. To
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the way to prohibit illness and disease by cutting down natural degradation and housing issues. In my opinion, I would contend that I consider myself an advoc
There is an argumentative conception heating a debate whether dealing with pollution and accommodation problems should be put into priority by the authorities in order to prevent deterioration in humans’ health. From my
The government should give more attention to shorten enviromental pollution and housing problems in order to reduce illness and diseases. Although I accept that enviromental problems might be reason for many health probl
Some people believe that governing bodies should give more attention to mitigate the problems of environmental pollution and solving housing problems to protect denizens from health issues. Personally, I wholeheartedly a
Several individuals believe that in order to hinder sickness and patience in society, authorities should control environment-related contaminations and household issues. I definitely agree with this belief and in this es
In the modern era, the relationship between public health and environmental factors has become increasingly evident. While medical advancements have played a crucial role in preventing and treating illnesses, addressing
It is basically believed by general public that in order to improve health condition and hindering emerging of sicknesses, states need to focus more on issues related to house construction and poor weather condition. Thi
Emerging disease is a complex matter as it IS caused by various reasons. If disease control is taken lightly, it would cause a bigger catastrophe, such as AN epidemic or even A pandemic. I side with some people who belie
Some individuals believe that authorities should prioritize declining environmental pollution and housing issues to protect their communities from diseases. I strongly agree with this statement because declining pollutio
Certain individuals contend that governmental entities ought to strive for the reduction of environmental pollution and housing challenges, with the intention of alleviating illness and maladies. I completely agree with
The public thinks that the governments have to make solutions to alleviate environmental pollution and house problems because those complication trigger a lot of issues for citizens like having difficulty to persist in a
Illnesses which caused by environment pollutant and housing issues has become increasingly .some people claim that to avoid sickness, government should allocate more attention on declining contamination from environment
In recent years, health concerns have been becoming major issues in some nations. While some believe that the costs of environmental and housing enhancement should be reduced to deal with such issues, I, however, disagre
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