Nowadays, the majority of young people have shifted from the countryside to big cities for job purposes. Is that good for people's health? Some people argue that life in the big downtown is harmful to their well-being.
In recent times, numerous humans think it is easier to have fit life in rural areas while others feel it has more health advantages staying in metropolitan cities. In my opinion lifestyle in rural areas have more health
Each city, being big or small, have good and bad aspects about it. People's mental and physical health can be directly impacted by some of these aspects. With that being said, it is difficult to assume that the fact some
Although some put forward the view that having healthier life is possible in the metropolises, I am of the opinion that there is more advantages in case of the health for those individuals living in the villages.
The living place is the biggest focus point for every person's decision. There are a few people who believe that living in big cities makes people's health to get worst. In my opinion, I totally agree about this stateme
There has been much discussion revolving around whether significant cities are filled with a hindrance amount of air pollution which can have a tragic plight on citizens in the long run. This essay will explain the cause
It is often thought that it is responsible for dwellers to look after their physical and mental conditions of themselves; however, others would argue that the governments are supposed to ensure the citizens' health. In t
Few masses think that it is the duty of every person to look after their own health and diet while other feel that it belongs to the administration of a country to assure their people's well-being. This essay will discus
In the present age, all we hear from the media are the dangers of global warming and the possible threats of contaminated air. That is why it is so well known, that pollution is a great peril for us and our health. This
Major cities have a lot of opportunities for working, studying or getting to experience different types of entertainment. A big down side for these places is air pollution and the health issues that can be caused by it.
As the world infrastructure is changing in leaps and bounds people migrate to live in cities from rural areas. Living in huge cities brings enormous health deficiencies to humans. I completely agree with the aforemention
It is evident that healthy life is the most significant issue in our lives because if people are unhealthy, they cannot do whatever they want such as going to school, working, and other living activities. Therefore, peop
Big cities are the most attractive places for living because there are more facilities for people such as hospitals, educational areas, and companies. However, it is a controversial issue whether these places are bad for
Big cities are the most attractive places for living because there are more facilities for people such as hospitals, educational areas, and companies. However, it is controversial issue whether these places are bad for p
Most folks believe that staying in large towns is not good for an individual's strength.I disagree with this statement and in this essay, I will express my view with supporting examples.
It is commonly argued that people who live in metropolitans have a higher chance of suffering from bad health conditions. I somewhat agree with the statement and this essay will discuss both sides.
In recent times Individuals that are residing in the city tend to have more health problems than those people who do not live there. In this essay, I will write about why I agree with this statement and how the governmen
it is thought that people should be accountable for their own health; however, others consider that governments can control their citizens' lifestyles and encourage them to live healthily. In my opinion, despite the role
It is true that more people around the world prefer living in more developed cities, and this has ignited public debate about whether it is harmful to the citizens' health. Personally, while I disagree that all people wi
many are in favour that a person is himself responsible for his well-being and he should take care of it, such as by working out and eating all the good foodstuff,but others think those running the state should also take