IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is said that kids should be raised to be competitive, while others think that cooperation will be more valuable as they enter adulthood. This essay will make the case that although competing with other peers brings su
While some people argue that competition should motivate children, others believe that they should be taught how to cooperate, rather than compete, for adulthood. From my point of view, although both play a significant r
In the present, some people believe that children should be raised to be competitive while others argue that cooperation is more crucial. Competition has brought many benefits, especially in terms of motivation while coo
Children are the buds of the society. Some people have the notion that children should be competitive while others say they should be cooperative. This essay will endorse that competition and working with their peers pla
People have varied opinions on whether children should be raised to be competitive; some suggest that doing so can be beneficial, and many believe society needs more individuals who are willing to work with others. In my
A number of people believe that children should be encouraged to compete, to awaken their sense of it. Others think that cooperative children will become more useful when they are older rather than kids who are taught to
A number of people believe that children should be encouraged in competition, to awaken their sense of it. While others think that cooperative children will become more useful when they are older rather than kids who are
Over the last few years, the question is whether a sense or competetion in children should be encouraged or children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults has become one of the most c
In the contemporary era, there is an ongoing debate whether students should enhance their co-operativeness by participating in any competition or win-at-all-cost. This essay will explain both statements with reasons and
It is believed by a group of people that growing children in a spirit of competition is benefical. Other individuals consider that there some upsides for relationship among people in co-operation. Even though competition
Nowadays, many people think that children should become competitive or they should be taught to co-operate. All people think that diverse. Moreover, many children are willing to be competitive or together and choose them
In today's modern age, people think that it is necessary to form a sense of competition in children? And how true it is, what results we can achieve with it. Our promotion of competition will have an impact on our future
Some people think sense of competition in children should be encouraged. But others believe that children compete become more useful adults. Co-operate rather than collaborate with children very intellegent adults.
vNowadays, some people have various views about whether children should be taught to be competitive or co-operate. While a sense of competition sometimes be useful for life, I believe that a sense of co-operate is more v
It is undeniable that nowadays modernization has made people competitive. Parents want their children to be competitive in every aspect of their lives whereas other people opine that being cooperative is more effective.
In my opinion there is no age limit for working with my wife and doing anything else ,because even if she has good knowledge ,she can co-operate with him.
Many people think that it is necessary to support the sense of competition in young children, and some believe that cooperation, working as a team, should be formed more.
Parents always want the best for their children, be it for their basic needs, education or even their character development. Some people argue that children should be encouraged to compete in schools while others believe
Some people believe in encouraging children to compete with each other, while others say that to train better adults, cooperation would be preferred. Although, children by participating in competitions get more motivated
Some people opine that competing with others is a good way to teach children. However, others state that learning how to collaborate with peers is the more important one. In my view, it is hard to say which one is the be
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