IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people have different views regarding dangerous sports. Some people state that the government is supposed to ban some sports which bring more danger to the participants. Others believe that it is a social freedom to
While some people think childrean have to spend their time in some classes like art and music or sports activities after their schools othe groups think that is better to let them to be free I completly agree with rather
The question of how children should spend their time outside of school is a topic of considerable debate. Some argue that children's time should be structured with scheduled activities such as art, music classes, and spo
It is asserted by some individuals that games are only a way of enjoying their free time whereas others think that sports play a crucial role.I will discuss both views and why I believe it to be more than just a recreati
The popularity of extreme sports is booming dramatically day by day. Regarding that, a mass of the population opines that this kind of sports should be prohibited by authorities. However, some folks believe that it is in
The contentious discourse surrounding the permissibility of perilous sports or the imposition of prohibitions has ignited fervent debate. While some advocate for stringent bans citing concerns over public welfare, others
Some group of people think sports games are important for society, while others believe they should be taken as free time activities. Some sport which we have to play in outdoor it can be play on your free time such as f
I always feel sleepy even after waking up for a long time. At one time in the past, due to my unconciousness, I was unable to recall what I had learnt the previous day and generate any creative original idea, which resul
In contemporary communities, there are plenty of risky games that need special requirements. People arguably assume that is one of the dangerous activities which should be banned by the authorities, while others think it
It is argued by different groups of the crowds whether or not the scheduled activities either art, sports or music classes ought to be spent by the children during the time outside of school instead of having free time t
Over recent years, bloody sports have been increasingly debatable in today’s society. There is no doubt that they have potentially negative impacts on players. While contested by a large group of proponents that these ty
Opinions on whether dangerous sports should be banned or not are divided. Some argue these sports should be prohibited due to safety concerns, while others advocate for freedom of choice when it comes to sports and empha
In recent days, sports with high risk to get injured are bumped due the increasing popularity among the young athletes and casual people, to experiment a strong feeling of adrenaline. Because of that are under the radar
It is true that extreme sports are dangerous and even life-threatening. Although it can be argued that governments should ban those dangerous sports to PREVENT tragedies from happening again, I believe that people SHOULD
The prevalence of dangerous sports has sparked a heated debate, with some arguing that the government should enact a law that prohibits such activities, while others thought that sportsmen should have the freedom to choo
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in boxing and many more games to get a name and fame. A proportion of individuals believe health risky games should stopped; however,
There are different opinions about banning or freeing dangerous sports among individuals. I believe that dangerous exercise should be forbidden. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of this argument.
Part of the world believes that it is better to leagally stop the sports that are life threatenning, while others think that everyone has their own right to do what ever they want. I also agree with the latter part becau
It is widely believed that some sports can be risky for sportspersons and thus, should be outlawed. Whereas others believe that there should be open opportunities for choosing any activity they want to participate in. In
Some individuals argue that risky activities lead to physical injuries and unnecessary costs, and therefore should be prohibited. However, others think that everyone should be free to follow their interests because of th
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