IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Art and craft are slowly changing the contemporary world to a more vibrant reality. While some people believe that the government should aid artistic professionals ,however, I believe that artists should be funded in oth
A group of individuals present the view that painters, musicians and other innovative artists in general, should be sponsored by the government. however, there is another group that believe other possible financial sourc
The artists have been creating social awareness through their work and performance. However, some believe that governments should be funded by innovative painters. Others think that the artists should be earned in alte
Some believe that governments should financially support creative artists. Others think that these artists should be given financial support from alternative sources. I support the latter idea as the governments have mor
It is considered by many that the government should grant funding for supporting artists namely painters and musicians, whilst others think those artists should be sponsored by different sources. In this essay, I will co
Supporters of the art sector believe that the government should financially support artists , while others consider that this area could be funded by other sources . In my opinion , although the artistic development is i
There is a question about which organizations should expense money on supporting talented artists. While some argue that it should be the responsibility of the government, I believe that these creators could find other f
This is an ongoing debate as to whether professionals in creative art majors should be financially supported by their governments, or whether they must find support from other sources to enhance their projects. In this e
To develop the country’s creative industry, human capital plays an indispensable role in this. It is suggested that the government should provide subsidies to creative artists, whereas some set of people disagree. I tota
Artists like painters and musicians are an asset for any country and play a pivotal rule in the recognition of the nation. Some advocate that they must get monetary help from the government whereas, many opine that these
It is thought by some that governments should not subsidise the arts and creative arts should rely on alternative sources of financial support. Nevertheless, it is my belief that the arts should be funded by the governme
People have different views about funding for creative artists. While some argue that governments should not financially support them, I agree with the idea that money for art projects should come from both governments a
A growing number of people are of the opinion that government should give monetary aid to entertainers while others have the view that support should come from elsewhere. In my own view, I think that funding should come
Some people have views that governments should fund artists, while there are opponents who argue that artists should support themselves. I believe that governments should help them.
The contribution of artists are not visible to preserve the beauty of traditional culture. Some views argued that a large amount of money of government should be subsidized to generate motivations for artists. From my pe
Any form of the art and music are an essential segment of the social, economical and cultural development. There are a number of people who believe in investing money towards these creative artists is questionable, where
Nowadays, it is believed that governments should sponsor creative artists such as painters and musicians. Meanwhile, some people think that other sources should subsidize these artists. But from my point of view, I think
There is mixed opinion when it comes to deciding about sources of income for creative artists. This essay will narrate both the aspects
Opinions diverge greatly on who should bring funding for emerging artist, while some people disagree with the idea of government support for artists. I believe that the money should come from both sides, the state and in
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