A part-time job is common nowadays for every age group people. Many experts nowadays suggest that high school students should take on a job after tuition hours so, they can understand the value of time and money which is
Few masses opine that students need to study and do jobs simultaneously to improvise their financial conditions, in fact, it could assist them to develop various skills and become punctual. Whereas, other group says it c
While some people are of the opinion that teenagers should work part-time to earn money, there are others who believe that this approach will make teenagers compromise rest time and after-school activities. This essay wi
With the development of the economy, the size of cities is increasing, leading to more congested road traffic. This, in turn, increases people's commuting time, causing them to spend a lot of time on the way to work. Som
With an increasing traffic population nowadays, transforming parking lots and gardens into residential buildings for more accommodation in urban centres appears to be the optimal solution to decrease commuting hours to w
Few people believe that the most effective way to lessen the time spent commuting to the office is by replacing the playgrounds and lawns with residential buildings for employees, while others disagree with this statem
The debate about whether to construct residences in the downtown area removing parks and gardens to reduce the lengthy commutes has been ongoing for many years. Some people believe that this approach is the best way to r
The advancement of technology opened opportunities for many individuals to work from home either full-time or part-time. This current practice benefits the large population, although some people contradict this belief.
These days, many commuters take lots of time on their way to the workplace or school. Although there may be some positive sides to this development, I strongly believe it is mostly negative.
Public opinion is divided on the subject that young adults ought to work part-time and earn money. While some people argue that students will delay skills by working and become more disciplined, others believe that it is
Presently, many large as well as small scale companies providing facility to do work from home rather than travelling to office premise. Internet plays vital role in modern world for development of technologies. Initiall
It is fact that travelling consumed lots of time to work. Many people believe that replacing parks and gardens with residential accommodation near the city centre, saves time to work. However, others think that parks and
In the cut-throat , competition everyone is tired from their hectic schedule and lifestyle,in the temple garden and parks are the best spot to relax and spend time with themselves as well as with their kith and kin.Some
Nowadays teenagers are asked to work part-time by parents to earn money. While some people argue that this way they will understand and appreciate basic lessons about work, other believe that parents should let them free
Nowadays, a hot issue of whether working at home through the Internet is better than going to the company or not is being discussed. From my own point of view, I strongly disagree with this issue.
Modern technology has enabled most employees to work in a hybrid working model where they can either work from home or the office during certain days of the month. This is in stark difference to the previous practice of
Many students choose to work while studying. This helps them become good members for society alongside making money. However, others opine evening time and its activities, if not more, are equally significant.
Work has become an important aspect of human living. Though there are people who say that remote work is more beneficial, the opponents argue that it is not effective. I strongly agree with the former view, and why work
Undoubtedly, laptops and the web have become indispensable parts of our lives, which help us to work remotely outside the workplace. Although there are some drawbacks to working on our system at our place, in my person