IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A section of society often argued that higher authorities are wasting funds on arts and these funds could be invested in other development work for society. I completely agree with this statement due to two main reasons
Few believe that investing in art sector can be waste of money and it is better to use money somewhere else by the government which I totally disagree. Art is one of a creative arear where people can find new career and
It is often argued that funding in arts by government is a wastage of money and this could be utilized better if it is expanded in another sector. I completely agree with this statement and think that at first we should
Some governments spend a big deal of money on art and its related sectors.While some in society argue investing in art could be a waste of sources,I believe it is essential to invest in developing art in any country.
It is argued by some people around the world that the government should allocate more money to other institutions rather than the arts because it is wasting money. I agree with this statement because there are many impo
People have two different views whether or not money should be spent on art by the government. It seems to me that it would be good if the government pay attention to art not only financially but also by rewarding them.
Every public sector believes that it deserves funding from the government, and the arts are no different. However, some people argue that the arts should receive less, or no, funding as they do not serve a sufficient pur
In recent years, a debate regarding allocating a considerable amount of financial resources to cultural activities such as artistic concepts has emerged as one of the most contemporary controversies, I as well as an over
Governments commonly have budget on the arts in contemporary society. There are different views about whether they need spend their expense on the arts or they should use it on different areas. I partially agree the idea
Most of the people think the government is spending money on the crafts but some people argue that this money should be better to spend on other development sector. I will examine this essay that this money should be use
The phenomenon of the government spending money to support artistic development has aroused wide concern among various circles. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I totally agree that there are
Nowadays public think that government spending more money on the arts considered as a waste of money. i do agree with the statement, Art is not essential for everyone's living there are so many other elements that Govern
Currently, the political authorities are encouraging the art field rather than others. Because there are more significant problems needs to be resolved which are the health and also includes traffic. I agree with this st
Since ancient times, arts have been a crucial part of human life. But now as we progress towards advanced technology, many people argue that instead of wasting money by investing in arts the government should invest in t
There have been arguments about the idea of the government investing its money in art media. Some people believe that this budget should be spent on something else. However, I completely disagree with this statement. In
A certain number of people believe that the government should not spend money on the arts because they can be used to serve some other useful purposes. In my opinion, financing for the arts is important because it helps
A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick brown fox. A quick bro
Many people believe the government should not be wasting money on the arts; instead, money should be spent wisely to reduce poverty, maintain affordable healthcare system and subsidise newly entrepreneurs for better dome
Art has been a core part of human culture since the advent of humankind. Over centuries art evolved from paintings in caves to various forms such as murals, dance , now digital arts and much more. In historic times, king
Prevention of crime is the primary motive of global societies to ensure safety and security of people. When some feel that the existing system is not so effective in doing so, and requires more actions to tackle it, othe
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