IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some argue that public health should be managed by authorities whereas other feel that individual should be responsible for their own health. In my opinion,a balanced approach is solution because government provides reso
It is thought by some people assume that further education has to be funded by the authorities, while others think that it should be a personal responsibility. In this essay, I will explain clearly about the topics with
Though some argue that the government should bear responsibility for preventing crime, others believe that it is the obligation of individuals to protect themselves. In my opinion, I believe that the state plays a crucia
It is often thought that improving health and nutrition through law should be done by the government. However, others believe that individuals are responsible for their health. In my opinion, I believe that maintaining h
Although it is sometimes thought that the government ought to be accountable for preventing crime, other people claim that it is the duty of every citizen to safeguard themselves. In my opinion, I consider that the state
There is no doubt that these days some people consider the government is responsible to protect its people to have a healthy diet, but others disagree and think it is up to each person to look after himself, In this essa
Some people argue that people are more responsible for saving their environment than the government. I believe that, While people have an impact on their environment, the government can prevent environmental pollution b
It is said that the government should determine a regulation about nutrition food to enhance healthy care in a nation. While, some believe that public health should be individual for some plausible reason. Others feel th
People have different points of view when it comes to healthcare, there are two different opinions on this. The first opinion states that each individual is responsible for taking care of their health. On the other hand,
How all people can be exposed to high-quality education effectively is always a worldwide concern for every government nowadays. This author opines that every person has to be responsible for improvement by individuals
Certain individuals are pressing the government to provide accommodation facilities to destitute individuals however others believe that the authorities cannot be held responsible for this matter. I believe that the gov
A group of people thinks residents have to manage their own streets, on the other hand, the other group believe that they must keep society stressed. I believe that people are more important and it`s necessary for the go
Individuals have different views about whether the state is responsible for health services and education or not. I strongly believe that free health care and education should be provided by governments. In this essay, I
It is true that in this day and age, opinion is divided over whether governments ought to pay for economic growth, public good, and tuition. in this essay, I will look at both sides of this debate as well as offer my poi
It is true that in this day and age, opinion is divided over whether governments ought to pay public health care fees and education. In this essay, I will look at both sides of this debate as well as offer my own point o
People often say that the government should pay for welfare states such as health care and education. However, both an important factors for the nation. In this essay, both viewpoints will be outlined before reaching a
It is thought by some people that public health care and education should be paid for by governments while others believe they need to focus more on other issues. In this essay, both viewpoints will be outlined before r
Things that should be covered by government or public are discussed at the moment. While some individuals argue that the health protection and education are not the governments responsibility, I side with those who belie
It is important to keep our healthy, on the other side some researchers have proven that consuming sugar in higher portions rather than what our body needs is unhealthy. While some believe that this issue should be taken
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