There has been an ongoing debate about whether animals should be in zoos so that people can learn more about animals or they undeniably belong to its natural homes and improve their skills in hunting, fertilizing, and pl
In the era of globalisation and modern technology, in some people’s opinion zoos should be closed down because of its cruelty. However, other individuals believe that zoos can be used forin wild animal protection. This e
In conclusion, despite the fact that both approaches have some legitimacy, it appears that to contribute to worldwide improvement, our human society must advance its information and produce modern inquiry enterprises. He
Growing interest in animals has been highlighted over the past decade. From this aspect, some opine it is always wrong to keep animals in captivity, for instance in zoos, but others hold the view there are benefits for t
This essay will make an effort to discuss the detrimental and profitable effects of zoo activity. There are two different sides, according to which, one part of society supposes that it is a destructive and immoral pheno
Nowadays, zoos have become a tourist scene in many cities, and people are attracted by watching and learning about those cute animals. But in the meantime, whether animals in zoos or nature triggered arguments. Some pe
Some individuals think that it is unacceptable to keep wild animals cooped up in zoos, while other people argue that zoos are both enterainment and ecological important. While some individuals believe that zoos are an e
In the third millennium, protecting of animals is one of most burning issues. Openinions about how ought to keep species are divided as to wheter keep them inside an isolated environment or leave animals alone in nature.
Zoos are a great place to enjoy and learn about our wildlife animals. However, people still debate to this day whether or not that zoos are a place that kept animal away from their life, like a prison and to be honest th
Zoos are hugely popular attractions for adults and children alike.With strict protocol, the management can allow community to learn about animals which could be apply two ways of socialising. Because we have been seeing
Nowadays we have so many different kinds of zoos. Some folks think that animals have not enough comfort and state must suspend work of zoos. However, another population guess such fauna are safe In the wild. This essay w
Around the world, animals are kept in zoos. However, there is much controversy about whether there are enough positive reasons for this trend or if they should be set free. I do agree that some animals should not be in z
Although, some people believe that zoos play important role to protecting wild animal, others feel that keeping animals locked up in such up place can be cruel and unnecessary. Personally, I agree with the idea that anim
Although some people believe that zoos play an important role in protecting wild animals, others feel that keeping animals locked up in such places can be cruel and unnecessary. Personally, I agree with the idea that ani
Some people support the idea that wild creatures should not be kept in the zoos while others consider that there are pretty good reasons for having zoos. However, personally I am against developing zoos and in the follow
To begin, most individuals think that wild creatures should not be retained in zoos but others propose that there are some good facts for keeping them in wildlife forests. There are some pros and cons regarding this and
It is commonly believed that, wildlife parks are awful for wild animals' house and should be demolished. However, while some argue that menageries can be helpful in defending predatory animals. In my opinion, zoos are us
sanctutary remain more popular as enterainment place and place to learn about the different species in all over the world. Although few folks opine that zoos can be useful in protecting the life of forest animals.Ho
It is often argued by some that zoos plays and important role in saving animals especially the rare ones, while others think that zoo has to be shut down as it disturbs the animal natural livelihood. This essay will elab