IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people assert that the young generation is inappropriate for significant roles in government while others think that it will be a good situation for younger people to take on their positions. There is a persuasive a
There are different views about whether younger adults are well-suited for significant roles within governmental structures. This essay will discuss the reasons behind these two views and demonstrate my own opinion.
Because of the ongoing incompetence in many many governments worldwide, some believe that government officials should be seasoned leaders, not the young and inexperienced. However, others think it is the fault of the ent
It is sometimes argued whether various important positions in government should be accessible to younger generations or not. There are several reasons why the younger probably are suitable for those positions. However, I
Governments are important components of society as they rule and take on responsibility for the direction of the country. Involving young people in such vital decisions might be compelling for some, mainly due to the lac
Important positions in the government play a vital role in modern society. While many believe that youngsters are not eligible for these jobs, others argue that they are qualified enough to undertake the responsibility.
Government jobs carry with them serious responsibilities. It is therefore no surprise that a person’s age and experience come under scrutiny when positions in government need to be filled. Many feel influential governmen
Some say that young individuals should not participate in important roles in the government, while others will argue that is a good option for younger people to work in these positions. This essay will argue that althoug
Now in the 21st century many individuals argue that it is wrong that working younger people in the government while others think that it is good idea. So in my opinion it would be better if younger people work in the
Many young people work on a volunteer basis, and this can only be beneficial for both the individual and society as a whole. However, I do not agree that we should therefore force all teenagers to do unpaid work. While t
Government officials with less work experience are considered by some to be inappropriate for executive positions, yet others believe firmly that younger talents also deserve managerial roles. Considering the fact that y
Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government , while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opi
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the ages of people who take on important positions in government. However, whether young people are suitable for important positions is a controversial debate.
People have different views about young adults and whether can work in some crucial positions in the government. While there are some drawbacks to youngsters who cannot be responsible for important positions in governmen
Young generations have played a really important role in our modern life. Yet when it comes to whether younger people are suitable for important work in government some people hold conflicting views. Someone believes th
Youth are active and skilled. Whilst opponents see that young people can not be in a higher position, Proponents believe that giving new generations a chance are their right. In my opinion, the chance for any position ha
Many folk believe that pivotal positions in the government should not be filled by youngsters, while others assume that it is a good movement for putting young people on these duties. I would discuss both statements and
Nowadays, it seems that there is a commonsense that leaders in government departments are younger than ever before. However, whether the young should take charge of a vital position has caused a lot of disputes. In my op
Nowadays, it seems that there is a commonsense that leaders in government departments are younger than before. However, whether the young should take charge of a vital position has caused a lot of disputes. In my opinion
In this current century, the government became a diverse field where the younger population started occupying important status. While some think that these positions are not suitable for the youth, others argue that, opp
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