IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The distribution of facilities to the public has always been a debatable issue among government authorities. The allocation of budget for vehicles and roadways has become a major concern. Some citizens argue that it is b
Nowadays, most countries experience a major increase in human population. This affects road users and makes it more crowded. Some people believe this problem could be solved by making appropriate public transport systems
Due to the fast pace of life ,most of the families are dual-incom who needs better infrastructure to commute daily.So many individuals believe that it is important to have more finances to improve infrastructure such as
During this society's relentless pace, it is believed that allocating funds to mobilizing streets and motor lanes is more beneficial than public transportation. From the writer’s observation, it is better to charge expen
There is a belief that investing in motorways and roads is more crucial thanin public transport for examples trams and railways. Personally, this writer disagree with this statement and will explain why in the following
Whether or not funding should be allocated to roads and motorised vehicle paths rather than spent on public transport is a debatable topic. This writer contends that investments in the public transportation systems are m
In contemporary society, it is argued that the payment on motorways and roads is more crucial than expenditure on public transportation such as trams and railways. This is the writer of this essay who totally disagrees w
A controversial discussion point is whether money should be invested on motorways and roads or on public transportation. This writer believes that the transport systems play a pivotal role in society due to the convenien
A few people feel it is more and more vital to afford many money on roads and motoways , which is matter placed public transport likely to railways and trams. Nowadays, with a technological development so abundant often
It is argued that some individuals believe the expenditure of money on roads and motorways is the top priority while others consider that spending on public transport system such as railways and trams is more important a
Many individuals believe that spending wage on roads and motorways is more important than on systems' public transportation like trams and tracks. In my opinion, I totally agree with this view and I will give some reason
It is argued that the priority of the government is spending expenditure to extend the quality of private vehicle roads like cars and motors instead of investing in the transport system of the community. From my perspect
It is argued that the priority of government is spending expenditure to extend the quality of private vehicle roads like cars and motors instead of investing in transport system of community. From my perspective, I partl
Nowadays, the majority of individuals believe that it is more essential for the government society to pay attention and invest money in road infrastructure than in transportation used in the community. From my perspectiv
Whether or not funding should be allocated to roads and motorised vehicle paths rather than spent on public transport is a debatable topic. This writer contends that investments in public transportation systems are much
In recent years, many have argued that spend money on motorways and streets are more vital than expenditures on social transportation systems like tram and railways. The opinion of this writer that spending on public tra
It is argued that more funds should be allocated to roads and motorways rather than to public transport system. I am in complete disagreement with this opinion.
A debatable discussion point is whether some people argue that it is very essential to invest money on roads and motorways than on public transportation systems instance railroads and tram car. This essay disagrees with
The majority of people often think that spend money on motorways and roads are more crucial than spend in public transport like trams and railways.This author disagrees with this statement due to causing air pollution an
It is argued that more funds should be allocated to roads and motorways rather than to public shipping systems. I am in complete disagreement with this opinion.
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