IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that these days sports celebrities gained more money than others. The question is, is it fair enough compared with other essential occupations? In this
Currently, we live in an interconnected world where businesses are conducted between many countries across all continents. Some people believe that successful port professionals earn better salaries than other profession
In today's commercial world, consumerism plays a huge role in deciding a profession's earnings as opposed to its role in shaping the world for the better. Many people believe that the professionals working in harbour por
Some people argued that sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. In my opinion, there ar
The income gap between successful athletes and other people in professions such as doctors, engineers, and teachers is known to be huge. This topic often creates a controversy where one side would discuss that it is just
Successful professional players deserve to earn significantly higher salaries than experts in other important fields is one of the debates. In contrast, some people believe that their high earnings are justifiable due to
There is no doubt that the sports profession is becoming increasingly popular. While a few people believe that a successful athlete can earn more than the ones who are working in other important jobs, others think it is
Football is the most well-known and lucrative sport all around the world. Additionally, after approximately a hundred years, it has become an industry that makes a profit from it because of brought by the capitalist syst
In the digital era, many prominent sportsmen today can make much more bill than other important majors. However, while some believe that this trend is completely unfair to everyone, I agree with those who feel that this
It is believed that sportspeople are paid highly due to their being shown on advertisements and tv commercials using the sponsor’s products. However, this is not the only reason why they receive a high income.
Wage inequality is a contentious issue causing many problems for both Western and Eastern societies. I believe the debate centres on the economic system rather than moral issues. This essay will analyse both issues and u
Sometimes people believed that it is fair for successful Sport professional to earn more money, though others think it is unjust to benefit more than people in important jobs. In my opinion, I believe athletes justify th
Sometimes people believed that it is a fair for successful Sport professional to earn more money, though others think it is unjust to benefit more than people in important job. In my opinion, I believe athletes justify t
It is widely believed that renowned sports champions receive tremendous incomes than other work professions. However, some people feel that the decision is agreeable while a bunch of people firmly argue with the aforemen
It is evident that some people think it is acceptable for successful sports professionals to make more money than those who work in other essential professions. Others, though, believe it to be unfair. There is neither r
In some modern societies, the salary of sports professionals has been under the spotlight for a while, with an ongoing debate over whether they are qualified to receive such a great amount of money compared to workers in
It is believe that everyone who is the best of sport can have a good deal and earn a lot of money than other jobs. Some adividuals think this is definitely reasonable, while other think this is not fair. In this essay,I
here is a debate going on whether it is fair and justified for sports professionals to earn more money than people in other important professions. There are a lot of professions which are overpaid, but in my opinion spor
Nowadays, public debate has been going on about whether sports professionals’ big salaries are justified or not. Some believe that athletes earn as much money as they bring in and as much as their sponsors allow the athl
Successful sports professionals salary is one of the most contradictive topic. People who are really successful in this area have outstanding revenues, so many people strongly believe that it is not normal that sports ha
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