The bar chart depicts educational stages by various ages in Glasgow, situated in Scotland, during 2010, whereas the pie chart illustrates education ranks for gender in any age groups for Glasgow in Scotland, in 2010.
The provided charts illustrate the levels of education of 5 different age groups and the percentage of men and women education levels in Glasgow in 2010. Overall, most people from age groups below 75 had university degre
The bar chart despite the information on the proportion of citizen’s education levels in Glasgow, Scotland average by age in 2010. The pie charts illustrate the percentage of education degrees of all citizens and the ave
The bar chart shows the different age ranges of population's educational level (University degree, school certificate, no qualifications) in Glasgow in 2010, while the two pie charts illustrate the same information depen
The provided bar chart and pie charts illustrate data about how many men and women were educated in five various age classification in Glasgow in 2010.
The educational attainment out of 100 people in Glasgow is illustrated in the chart, divided into age groups for the year 2010 while diagrams display the percentage of individuals with qualifications, separated by gender
The given stack bar chart demonstrates the people educational level in Glasgow in 2010. It divided peoples in 5 aged groups and gives the statistics of university degree holders, individuals who had finished the highscho
A glance at a bar chart provided reveals the educational standards of five distinct age groups in Glasgow, measured in percent, in 2010. Overall, people who are from 24 to 35 years old have the most remarkable proportion
The histogram prove the data about education levels by age range in the Scotland in 2010; whereas, the pie chart illustrate about the education levels by gender during the same period. Overall, it is clear that the stude