IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie charts provide information about the water distribution in the world, and the second bar chart displays the water usage across three countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.
The pie charts compare the share of how water is distributed throughout the world, whereas the bar one illustrates the proportion of water consumption in three countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.
The charts illustrate how the global water is distributed and its uses in three different countries. Overall, the majority of water in the world is salt water with the freshwater mainly source from ice and glaciers. The
The charts illustrate the distribution of the world's water and the percentages of water use in three different sectors in three countries.
The pie chart illustrates how water is distributed around the world, and the bar chart represents the proportion of its use in various countries.
The given graphs, illustares information about the amount of water consumed by Three different nations ( EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA, CANADA)in three different sectors accordingly Agriculture, Domestic, Industry. Overall, the am
The rendered set of pie charts illustrates the distribution of the world's water, while the bar graph provides the information regarding use of water in three main countries namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Canada. The dat
The graphs illustrate how the Earth’s water is distributed and provide information on how it is used in three countries.
The pie graphs illustrate the overall water percentage and freshwater rate worldwide ,whereas the bar chart compares the percentage of water used for households, farming and industrial purpose in different nations.
The first diagram illustrates the distribution of global water, while the bar chart represents the use of water in three different countries (Egypt, Saudi, and Canada) in three different sectors (agriculture domestic, an
The pie charts describe the distribution of water in the world, while the bar chart gives information regarding the use of water in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.
Overall, the pie chart represents the percentage of water supply around the world. Similarly, the bar graph gives information regarding the utilization of those distributed fluids in three different nations (Egypt, Saudi
The pie charts illustrate the sorts of the world’s water while the bar chart shows the consumption of water in three countries.
The given diagrams illustrate the percentage of water consumption for various uses and the amount of global water usage in a kilometre - cube by various sectors which include Domestic Use, Industrial Use and Agricultural
The given diagrams illustrate the percentage of water consumption for various uses and the amount of global water usage in the kilometre - cube by various sectors which include Domestic Use, Industrial Use and Agricultu
The pie charts give information about how the world’s water is distributed, whereas the bar chart illustrates the percentage of water used in agriculture, domestic use and industry in three countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia
The pie chart illustrates the proportion of global water and the bar graph gives information about water use in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Canada.
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