IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, many scientists are concerned about the sudden increase in the number of population and the major effects it has on people's lives. This worrying trend needs to be analyzed and discussed thoroughly. It is argue
The world's population continues to grow at an alarming rate, presenting numerous challenges for humanity. This essay will explore the causes of this continued rise and examine whether it is indeed the greatest problem f
There is no doubts that the world nowadays has more population compared to the world a couple decades ago. There were wars and diseases that took lives away. Now that this earth has regained people back, does it become a
The population growth is the biggest problem we have to tackle with in the twenty-first century without a doubt. I will explore my view of this topic in the following paragraphs.
From last few years,the global rise in human population level is believed to be the toughest complication ever faced by mankind.There are certain reasons behind this worldly rise like illetracy,more facilities by governm
The condition of living has been aggravated by the continuous rise of human population in the modern world. The outcome is serious , especially in developing countries where the number of people rises at an accelerated s
It is considered by many that, the continuous upsurge of population in our earth is one of the biggest problem faced by human-being at the present time. This essay will examine the main causes of uncontrollable growth a
The current world's population is more than 6 billion individiuals. This number will eventually rise from time to time and humanity will eventually collapse. Currently, overpopulation has already damaged the earth in ma
The world population has continued to rise throughout the years, making it the greatest problem that humans face now. The number of people is getting bigger due to an improvement in health facilities and safety issues. H
In today’s current condition the ultimate crises encountered by the people is the gradual growth of inhabitants in the planet. The uncontrollable increase of our number is trigger by some factors; Hence, I concur it’s th
Nowadays, mankind has to deal with a serious issue of considerable increase in the number of people. There are a couple of reasons for this. Personally, I think that overpopulation is not the main problem for humankind b
In some countries, the rapid growth of the population represents an important social issue that governments are trying to adjust. There are many causes of this ascent which going to be argued in this essay, however, I do
Overpopulation is considered as one of the most challenging issues nowadays for the humankind. One of the main causes of which supposed to be an uncontrolled birth rate. I completely agree that the increasing number of
In the ultra-modern epoch , it is a point of debate that mankind's greatest problem at the moment is the increase of earth culture. Undoubtedly, this notion remains successful in keeping the majority in its favour . The
Nowadays, the population of the world boosts to a great number and became a problem that leads to several causes. There is a widespread divergence of opinions over the development. In my opinion, it is the biggest proble
In recent years, the phenomenon of discussing the problematic high number of populations is happening constantly while some individuals believe that is a most important topic for all people in the world and I strongly ag
Nowadays, the number of people around the world has increased significantly, and some people think that phenomenon represents the biggest problem for our society. In this essay I will explain some of the causes of this t
Nowadays overpopulation is considered to be the biggest problems that we, humans face in the globe. There are several added factors to the main issue that are caused by it. Is it really our current most significant threa
The increasing number of people on the planet is the greatest threat to mankind's existence right now. In this essay, I will explore the causes of this upward trend and illustrate why I disagree with this statement.
Overpopulation has become the major global crisis experienced by humans, living in this era. The consequences of this issue have a detrimental impact on resources and land. This depletion of resources causes an alarming
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