IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The surging rise of the world's population is the biggest threat faced by humanity at the present time.I personally believe it is the biggest challenge ever faced by humanity.In this essay,I will discuss the causes of ri
nowadays, research surveys show the population is growing more and more. It is often argued that the continued rise of the population is one of the biggest problems faced by humanity these days. I slightly agree with th
In these current times, the escalation in the global population has established great risks for humanity. From my standpoint, this essay will justify the reasons for this degrading issue and will elaborate the factors co
The rise of the human population, an ongoing global concern, is caused by ineffective population control measures and advancements in the healthcare system. I agree that the steady rise of the population is the greatest
The population in the world is increasing considerably day by day, which is no secret to anybody. And it is not the main problem that people encountered. However, I, absolutely disagree with this notion,because in our m
The number of people in the world is increasing considerably day by day, that is not secret to anybody. And it is not the main problem that people encountered. However, I, absolutely disagree with this notion,because in
The earth's population is significantly becoming more and more,and it means that is an enormous problem, so we should solve the issues. I totally agree with this statement that it is an issue. I think, there are many pro
The world's population are significantly increasing, as a result this causes is an enormous problem. In my opinion, there are only disadvantages to raising the population.
In the world we live in today, the significantly increased world population is a vital issue we are facing. I agree with the statement mentioned above because it can cause the demand in the economic rise and provide an u
In the world we live in today, the significant increased population of the world is a vital issue we are facing. I agree with the statement mentioned because it can cause the demand in economic rise and able to provide a
Incessant increase of human beings is considered to be a burden for the globe. This may be due to improper family planning, illiteracy, enhancement in the medical sector, and so on. I do not concur completely with this
The number of individuals is increasing dramatically. One consequence of the rising community causes society in modern life. I totally agree that it is the greatest trouble faced by society.
It is irrefutable that the world is facing many issues and an increase in the number of human beings is one of them. This essay shall discuss two main reasons for this including insufficient planning and education. I com
There is no doubt that the world’s population is increasing rapidly daily, and people face many issues. It is highly debatable that the increase in population worldwide is the biggest challenge encountered by humans toda
The human race has witnessed numerous obstacles, and the booming global mortality rate is one of them. Over-population can be accounted as the biggest issue that individuals all over the globe are facing. This essay will
An increasing number of the world population is a more serious risk for the earth than plastic pollution and increasing temperatures. Countries such as India and China have already put strict laws to control their citize
Increasing number of the world population is a more serious risk for earth than plastic pollution and increasing temperatures. Countries such as India and China have already put strict laws to control their citizen count
Increasing number of the world population is more serious risk for earth than plastic pollution and increasing tempretures. Countries such as India and China has alredy put strict laws to control their citizen coundown a
The ever-growing world population is arguably the most serious issue confronting people in modern times. This phenomenon can be attributed to two factors and I am of the opinion that it presents an unparalleled challenge
For a few years, the worldwide population have shown an increasing trend. Some believe that this growth is the greatest problem that inhabitants have experienced. I agree with the statement due to the consequences of an
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