The diagram illustrates the life cycle of glass and plastic are being recycled.Overall, this process requires five steps to produces a new product and the collection of recycling products takes five to ten days before tr
The provided maps demonstrate information regarding gradual development of West Park secondary school from 1950, the year of initial construction, to 2010.
The maps below illustrate the visual buildings of the West Park Secondary School in three development years, 1950, 1980, and 2010. Overall, there were some relocations and new constructions in that years.
The given maps illustrate the comparison of West Park Secondary School in three years, which are 1950, 1980, and 2010. Generally speaking, it is clear that houses and farmland are removed in the next years, while main ro
The area at West Park Secondary school has changed considerably since its arrangements in 1950, with the addition of new school block and car park. It is readily apparent that a major part of the place in 2010 is become
The diagram highlights the data about secondary school at west park that developed in many areas which was built between 1950 and 2010. Overall, it is clear that diagram comprised 3 stages, beginning at many houses and e
From the diagrams, we can see how West Park Secondary School have been modernised since its erection in 1950. The chart gives three representations of the institution and the area nearby within the years 1950, 1980 and 2
This report derives from the diagrams, which illustrate the differences in West Park Secondary School’s construction between 1950 and 2010 over 30 years period.