IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In our society, the discussion about the gay marriage is being problematic. Some people think that same sex marriage can be affected to negatively on the society while others think that this trend is not big issue becaus
Marriage is one of the best phase of human life that everyone wants to enjoy. Yet, same gender marriages always remains controversial. Some people think that these marriages are not good to be in the society where others
Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern about considering whether gay marriage should be legal for people or not. Although the commonly accepted assumption is that every mankind has an equal right to be married,
While some proponents believe that the problem of two men marrying each other is something related to freedom, other opponents and I discern that this phenomenon can lead to disasters considering religious and social asp
Nowadays, many countries recognize same-sex marriage as well as increase acceptance of LGBT rights. In contrast, a few countries are believed to impose the penalty on consensual same-sex sexual acts. Therefore, it is arg
The controversy over whether gay couples should have the right to legalize their relationship has continued. While some people believe that this trend will devastate the foundation of society, others argue that it is eve
Various controversies have emerged as to whether LGBTQ marriage should be banned by law. In my point of view, I totally disagree with the announcement above; moreover, I stand for LGBTQ marriage and I will explain my re
These days, the problem about gay marriage stays debatable. It is thought that this type of marriage has negative effects on the public, however, others consider that it is natural trend and the government should allow p
The discussion about gay marriage has been going on for a long as it emits controversy. There are those who argue that this issue has detrimental effects on society while there are those who put forward the idea that it
Gay marriages are becoming a very relevant topic of discussion because of the mixed opinions surrounding it. Some people firmly believe that they are bad for society, whereas others preach that people should be free to c
The agreement of homosexuals goes on controversial. Many people think this trend has effects on the society while others trust that it is seen as a human right for people to follow their heart to choose the type of marri
It is indeed that the trend of homosexuality is still being argued nowadays. Some believe that notion can bring some drawbacks to the community while others argue that it is a natural tendency and people are free to deci
The debate around marriage of the same sex has been heated for a long time. Although many countries like the U.K. and Canada legalised gay marriage a few years ago, there are still many detractors claiming that this coul
In some people's mind, the trend of legalizing gay marriage has adverse effects on the society, but others think that it seems to be a natural trend and right for people to have this type of marriage. I believe that gay
In some people's mind gay marriage trend has adverse effects on the society, but others think that it seems to be a natrual trend and right for people to have this type of marriage. I believe that gay marriage should be
According to recent reports, the level of crime is rising in many cities across the world, particularly, there is a growing number of underage offenders. This essay will explore the reasons for this development and sugge
The number of gay marriages is increasing nowadays. Some believe that it has a negative impact on society, while others oppose this idea. This essay will discuss both sides of these scenarios as well as the importance of
Absolutely, everyone should have the right to choose the person they want to share their lives with, as long as this relationship is between two adults and is completely consensual.
Marriage equality is common in the world. Today, with the development of human culture gay marriages are worldwide spread and many people have arguable beliefs on this topic, where some people say this has an effect on t
The given picture demonstrates the attendance of the number of males and females at an education centre in the year 2009.The circle chart illustrates the age of the members who are included in the course.
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