This map depicts two possible locations, which can be used for building a new supermarket in Garlsdon City. Overall, it can be seen that the size of the industrial area is bigger than the residential area.
This is the overall map of Garlsdon town where become the place of supermarket construction held in. With general overview, the countryside where become the S1 looks dominating the outer place and have bigger area than t
The given map illustrates Garlsdon town with a prediction to establish a novel supermarket presenting two different suggestive locations for the supermarket with a population of 65,000.
The map illustrtes the geographic distribution in Garlsdon; showing the population origins based on killometers. There is a future to plan to build a supermarkeet there, the location is still not determined yet.
The map showed two sites where it is possible to build a new supermarket in a town. Overall, the site number 2 demonstrates would be a lot of better than site number 1, the main raison of it is because the site 2 is the
The map outlines two possible locations of a brand-new modern market in the city of Garlsdon. Overall, the planned sites are marked with S1 and S2, where S1 is located on the northwest of the countryside, while the secon