The design describes two possible sites for the bazaar. The picture is of the city of Gardenstone while a new boutique is planted for the municipality.
The given map illustrates the town area of Garlsdon where a novel supermarket is planned, it proposed two suitable sites for the supermarket construction planning namely S1 and S2. Overall, it can be seen that both sites
The given map illustrates two practical places to build a supermarket in the town of Garlsdon. Overall, two sites have both merits and drawbacks for customers and owners, which would be discussed in this essay.
this map is showing A town called Garlsdon. the (S) sample is about a supermarket. the supermarket is planned for the town. the map shows two possible ways for the suopermarket.
The given map information about the updated Garsdon of City as we can be seen there were different locations . For the most part, Garlsdon had alternatives likewise, Town centre , housing and industry. Depending on tha
The map delineates the rough sketch of Garlsdon town. The map has been divided into two parts s1 and s2, in which either one of the area is planned to build a new supermarket.
The given map demonstrates the two proposed areas for a new supermarket in Garlsdon town.It is clear from the graph that , it is evident that the planned property (S1) is situated in the countryside, with both railways
The provided map illustrates the two different places where the new supermarket will be located in Garlsdon. In general, it is obvious that the location of the S1 area is in the countryside, whereas the S2 will be locat