The given maps compare the recent and the development plan of an industrial district in Norbiton. Overall, the buildings in this area are only for factories, but it is planned to be replaced by a residential area and oth
The maps show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton and the planned future development to boost the population in that area. First, all of the factories will be replaced with housing. The factories turned housing o
A glance at the two maps delineates information about the commensurability of the current industrialization condition of the town of Norbiton and its future projection.
The maps illustrate the different changes and comparisons between the Norbiton Industrial area in the actual time period and its planned future version.
The two maps present the industrial space, which is located in the town of Norbiton, and its plans for the future. Overall, whilst the location of the township relative to the farmland and the roundabout remain the same,
The two maps illustrates the norbiton area in the present days, as well as, the planned development. Overall, the norbiton industrial area is located at the east side of the town, with a river on the north, separating th
The provided maps depict a major changeover plan for the current Norbiton industrial area. It is obvious that there is an intention to build a well-facilitated residency which will replace the existing factory site.
The maps illustrate a range of transformations which will be carried out in an industrial site in Norbiton. This place is going to experience tremendous changes during this period of time.