The data provides information on the fish sources as well as the total value of imports to the US from 1988 to 2000. Overall, over the period the total value grew exponentially and the shares of sources became more evenl
The three pie graphs and table depict the worth and origins of the fish in the US for twelve years from 1988 to 2000. Overall, it is apparent that the prices of fish have been up and the rends of the percentages of fish
The given table and pie charts serve data about the value of importing a particular seafood to the US and where it comes from, the numbers are taken from 1988 and 2000. According to the data, It is clear that there was
The given table displays the accumulation cost of fish trading and the pie chart depicts the proportion of fish obtained from three different countries namely China, Canada, and others in the United States of America in
The table illustrates the average income from fish import, while the given pie charts depict the source percentage of fish imported to the United States from 1988 to 2000.
The given table and pie charts indicate the total value in billions of dollars and the proportion of 3 countries where US imported source of fishes from 1988 to 2000.
The first table illustrates some data on the total value and below the three pie diagram presents the different percentages of three counties (Canada, china and other countries) of fish imported to the US from 1988 to 20
The table below shows the value of fish that was imported to the US (measured in billions of dollars) in 1988,1992 and 2000, while the three pie charts illustrate the amount of fish that the US brought in from China,Cana
Three pie charts and a table illustrate the information on imported fish between 1988 and 2000 - the table shows the total value of billions of dollar in three different years while the three pie charts show the source
The first table depicts the profit which is measured in dollars, while the pie diagram indicates the location of imported fish which is categorized into three countries. In general, the value had a greater number in 1988
The pie charts and table illustrates data of the total value and countries (canada, china, others) of fish imported to the US over 3 different years 1988, 1992 and 2000.
the table illustrates the value of fish ,measured in billions of dollar, which has been imported to theUS in 1998,1999 and 2000, while the three pie charts provide information about the amount od fish that the US brough
The pie chart illustrates the three countries from where the fishes are imported to the US, while the table represents the total value of these fishes in billion dollars for the years 1988,1992 and 2000.
The table shows the number of fish imported to the US in billions of dollars while the pie charts illustrate the sources of it in 1988, 1992, and 2000.